Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 5, 1 May 2006 — OHA plans big news for business conference [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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OHA plans big news for business conference

By Derek Ferrar Public lnformation Specialist OHA is planning to unveil several major announeements regarding the agency's eeonomie development and business assistance programs at its upcoming Hawaiian Business Conference and Eeonomie Expo on May 18-19. OHA Eeonomie Development Director Mark Glick said that federal Administration for Native Americans Commissioner Quanah Stamps will be flying in for the second day of the conference to help OHA announee a restmcturing of the agency's Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund, as well as the establishment of what Glick described as "a very unique banking strategic partnership" that will greatly increase community access

to OHA's loan products for Native Hawaiians. OHA Chairperson Haunani Apoliona said in a message to conference participants that "this inaugural conference is driven by OHA's vision to help Hawaiians gain greater access to affordable credit, capital and Enaneial services, as well as gain entrepreneurial skills and Enaneial training to advance eeonomie well-being." While the conference is geared primarily toward Native Hawaiian businesspeople, organizers said they hoped members of the eommunity at large would also take advantage of the opportunity to gain infonnation and skills applieable to all business owners. Sessions will include infonnation on starting and growing a business, marketing and financing, accessing training

opportunities, partnering with private and govermnent institutions, and more. As part of a special "youth development" conference track, OHA will be sponsoring students from a variety of schools to attend sessions on entrepreneurship and leadership. One of the other topics being covered will be special opportunities that are available to nativeowned business in seeking federal contracts. Because the majority of these are defense-related, Glick said, one of the primary sponsors of the conference is defense eon-

tractor Northrop Grununan. Other sponsors include the aerospace giant Lockheed Martin, as well as several loeal banks and nahonal investment firms. In addition to the ANA's Stamps, keynote speakers for the conference include Stephen Cornell, a nationally recognized expert on eeo-nomic-development issues among indigenous peoples within the United States; loe Garcia, president of Nahonal Congress of American Indians; and Alaska State Sen. Albert Kookesh, who is co-chair of the Alaska Federation of Natives

and ehainnan of the native Sealaska Corp. Other presenters will include more than 30 experts in business and eeonomie development from Hawai'i and elsewhere. The conference will also feature an eeonomie expo offering procurement matchmaking, career counseling and other assistance from government and corporate representatives, as well as several informal networking receptions. Registration fees for the conferenee range from $175-$250, with some additional fees for luncheons and receptions. E3