Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 5, 1 May 2006 — Business survey [ARTICLE]

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Business survey

Do Native Hawaiians face more barriers than non-natives in the business world? Why aren't more Native Hawaiians interested in becoming entrepreneurs? These are some of the questions that the Native Hawaiian Chamber of Coimnerce (NHCC) hopes to answer through its survey "Ho'owaiwai i ka Pono - Bring Prosperity through Righteousness." Recently launched by the NHCC as a joint project with Hawai'i Maoli, the survey is the first phase of a project to encourage and assist Native Hawaiians in engaging in business and entrepreneurship. The long-term goal of the project, whieh is being funded by an Administration for Native Americans grant, will be to construct a business center within the planned Coimnunity Center for Native Hawaiians to be located in Kalaeloa on O'ahu. For more infonnation on the survey, contact Pauline Worsham at 951-5373, or visit online at www.nativehawaiian.ee.

Founded in 1974, the NHCC strives to encourage and promo te the interests of Native Hawaiians engaged in business and the professions. On May 5, the chamber will host its annual 'Ō'ō Awards banquet honoring Native Hawaiians who have made significant contributions to the Hawaiian community. This year's awardees are Robert Kihune and the late Paige Barber. For more infonnation on the event, visit the website above, or eall Warren Asing at 682-5767.