Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 5, 1 May 2006 — Hawaiian Loan Fund [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Hawaiian Loan Fund

The Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund (NHRLF) offers low interest loans, training and technieal assistance for Native Hawaiians who want to start up or expand a business. Currently, the NHRLF has $3 million worth of outstanding loans to more than 100 Native Hawaiian businesses. Over the next several months, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs will be initiating various changes to the NHRLF program to ensure that Native Hawaiians in the eommunity have greater access to eapital for both consumer and business purposes. OHA staff anticipates that this will include additional commercial credit products and the introduction of consumer loan products - regardless of hnaneial status and/or business experience. For more information, eall 5941924, or go to www.oha.org to download an application for a business loan.


The Northwestern Hawaiian lslands are home to ū variety of endemic and highly endangered species, including the Hawaiian monk seal. Photo: Courtesy of NWHICRER