Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 5, 1 May 2006 — Appearance judgments [ARTICLE]

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Appearance judgments

Upon reading the 'Apelila issue of Ka Wai Ola, I am onee again fed up with one of the letters and find that I must speak. As an old haole lady and long, longtime resident of O'ahu, student of Hawaiian culture, retired teacher of Hawaiian and other ethnic children for many years, married to a Hawaiian/Chinese/haole for many years and a reader of Ka Wai Ola since it started, I wonder if one of the writers realizes that there are haole who know and care about this 'āina,

its history, its culture and all of its people, who may be partHawaiian though haole-looking, who are not subliminally trying to validate or authenticate a plaee in Hawai'i, or hijack Hawaiian culture. A real Kanaka Maoli doesn't put other people down.

Betty Woodward, Wahiawā, O'ahu