Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2006 — KS distance learning [ARTICLE]
KS distance learning
Kamehameha Schools is accepting applications until May 15 for its online Hawaiian culture education program, open to high school students at any puhlie or private school in the state. The 'Ike Hawai'i Distance Learning Program teaches students about Hawaiian culture through online courses and field-trip experiences. Students who complete one of the five separate courses may qualify for a semester course credit from their own school. Students who complete all the courses will be awarded an 'Ike Hawai'i Distance Learning Certificate. See BRIEFS on page 05
Cūntinued fram page 04 Interested students must be a Hawai'i resident, incoming 9th-llth grade student, have daily access to Internet, attend a face-to-face technical training session and complete the program's online orientation. Preference will be given to students of Hawaiian ancestry. Fall semester classes run from July 27-Dec. 15. For more information, visit ksdl.ksbe.edu/ikehawaii or eall 842-8877. For applications, eall 842-8800.