Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 4, 1 April 2006 — Nā Pua Noʻeau [ARTICLE]
Nā Pua Noʻeau
The University of Hawai'i at Hilo's Nā Pua No'eau program is accepting applications until April 14 for its free summer institute for Native Hawaiian students in grades 6-12. The two-week residential educational enrichment program held on the UH Hilo campus from Iuly 2 to 16 offers several classes for different age levels, including "Hawaiian
Volcanoes: Rocks & Rolls," "Papa Mālama Kai: Caring for our Oeean Resources" and "Mai Nā Kūpuna Mai: Origins of our Universe from the Eyes of our Kūpuna." The courses are designed to expose students to Hawaiian role models, culture, values, history, protocol and language, and encourage hands-on learning. Applications and requirements are available online at npn.uhh.hawaii.edu. For information, eall 808-553-9993.