Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 3, 1 March 2006 — Page 28 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Apply now for the 2006-2007 school year © K:\MHMAMFiHA SCHOOLS M^Y ^ H p*tMMW U «L4M4I <* HnMH »t* mn pMiwd bjf l«* wtn «Hti Id bt acfni^md u>dw Unl pdcv tim*( h»* tw Huuu rt"W by hfnii Hmu-. i:«tji C«4w jpt f*nmjrkn lM -;iūd| = "**

Scholarship money is available for three- and four-year-old keiki to attend eligible preschools.# To be cons»cfere<i f <v the (vogram, the appiicarvi iriLtst meet ine foUūhMrvg crrena:

■ Hawai'i res>denl ■ Borr in 2002 or 2003

■ Enroile<J in a qualified prescfiool program ■ D$monatmt@ linanelai n aed

APPLICATI0N OEAŪLINE: JUNE 1, 2006 fof rwnofl /wrib(Jftooirtr>v>p sct*Mifjjiiiw r. 2006 Wfr\Q AUQUIt 3 1. 2007 For applicaitofis or mtxe inlonmalion, please eall 534-8080 on Onahj or loiHree at 1-800-842-4652 (press 9. Ihen dial ext. 48080) on the neighbor īslands. *To download a currenl 1isl of prov1ders elrgible lo participate in the Pauahi Keiki Scholars program, visrt our websrte at www.ksbe.edu/fīnBid