Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 3, 1 March 2006 — Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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KU'I KA LONO |y FOURTH ANNUAL INDIGENOUS EDUCATION CONFERENCE MARCH 16 & 17, 2006 KING KAMEHAMEHA KONA BEACH HOTEL 8:30 AM- 4:00 PM itive designed and ^jjitrolled public charter schools will share their educatiorial practices and āccomplishmentsB I with parents, intgi^psted stakeholders and other Indigeuous educators. I By sharing slralcgics for success, this conference hopes to help olh(,'M Iawaiian communitil& l<ri I create quality culturally-driv6& schools that empower I Iawaii Ai a:udents to walk I ^ — — T\ successfully in two worlds and assure that No Child is Left B.ejrind. I \ KALO - Kanu o ka 'A la Learning 'Ohana J. I I „ V w Na Lei Na'auao Native Hawaiian Charter School Allianee «• — / I Kulana Hulihonua Association / I Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement ) / I SFOR MORE INFORMATION : KALO, P.O Box 6511, Kamuela, Hawai' 96743 Attn: Ka'iulan PaLi'o. I Call (808) 885-0328 orEmail: dkaiulani@aol.com I jsg* ^ r

Free Training on How to Apply for Funding from the Administration for Native Americans (ANA) provided by Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement

About ANA Promotes the goal of self-sufficiency for Native American people by providing funding for community-based projects. Impact in Native Communities • Creating programs that support social services, businesses & jobs • Supporting youth, elders & families i Funding in 2006 a • $12.5 million available M • $500,000 per year is maximum available for three year (SEDS) projects


Training Dates: March 6-8, 2006 on Maui March 13 -15, 2006 on Oahu For more information or to register online contact CNHA: 33 South King Street, Suite 513 Honolulu, HI 96813 Direct Tel: 808.521.5011 Toll-Free: 800.709.2642 Via E-Mail: info@anapacific.org Website: www.anapacific.org Training and īeehnieal assistance made possible with support from:

Grant Programs Available in 2006 • Social & Eeonomie Development Strategies (SEDS) - April 4, 2006 • Language Preservation & Maintenance - March 8, 2006 • Improving the Well-Being of Children/Native American Healthy Marriage Initiative - April 4, 2006

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