Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2006 — WAL+ MART [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
M lver since more than 40 sets ofiwi, or human remains, were unearthed during the construction ofthe Wal-Mart site on Ke'eaiimoku Street starting in January 2005, conflict and controversy has surrounded ' -1 tl"> handling and reburial ofthe presumed Hawaiian remains. Last February, a reburial scheduled by the State Historic Preser\>ation Division at the Wal-Mart site was postponed indefinitely, and the division hit the archaeology consultants hired to oversee the site with a $210,000 fine for alleged mishandling - some have even charged desecration - ofthe bones. Thatfine is currently under appeal. In this kūkākūkā section, two ofthe parties closely involved in the issue share their points ofview. The views expressed in these community discussion columns are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe Office of Hawaiian Ajfairs.
Pholo: Ftancine Kananionāpua Murray