Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 2, 1 February 2006 — Board Action Report [ARTICLE]

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Board Action Report

Major actions approved by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees in the fourth quarter of 2005

Prepared by the ŪHA Dffice ūf Būard Services Action items: • $2.2 million in funding for 14 Hawaiian-focused charter schools. • $50,000 for emergency renovations to Ke Kula Ni'ihau 0 Kekaha. • Two separate actions totaling $704,000 in grant awards to 12 community organizations serving Hawaiians. • Nomination of the following individuals to the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund Advisory Board: Debra L.B. Henton, Karen A. Taketa, Lawrence K. Lasua, lo-Ann T. Ridao, Dr. Patsy Izumo, Richard A. Nelson III. and William K. Vincent. Linda Henriques and Gail F. Nakama were nominated as alternates. These individuals replaced positions vacated by Pauala C.H. Chang, Stephen E.K. Kaaa, William K. Pimental, Thomas Grimes, laekie K. Burke, Iames V. Gomez and lohn P. Keppeler II. • $400,000 to support the Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. - the nation's only national park dedicated to performing arts. OHA will be a featured

sponsored for the venue's 2006 season - including one performance dedicated entirely to Hawaiian artists. • $109,000 in funding of for the Native Hawaiian Hospitality Association. Resolutions: • Three resolutions honoring outstanding Hawaiians: Edith Kawelohea McKinzie on her 80th birthday, and the late Kīna'u Boyd Kamali'i and Henry Ku'ualoha Giugni. • Approval for an amicus brief in support of Kamehameha Schools' appeal of the federal court ruling against the school's Hawaiian-pref-erence admission policy. • Expressing support for the Moloka'i Master Land Use Plan, under whieh Moloka'i Properties Unlimited (formerly Moloka'i Ranch) will donate 26,200 of its 65,000 acres to a public Moloka'i Land Trust for conservation and commit another 29,000 acres permanently to conservation, agriculture and open space preservation, in exchange for permission to develop a 200-lot luxury subdivision at Lā'au Point. S