Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 1, 1 January 2006 — Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Type or clearly write your 24-word-or-less ad and mail to: OHA at 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, III 96813. Make eheek payable to ( ) 1 1 A .
AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE: $69.95/ mo per family. Pre-exist-ing conditions accepted. The noninsurance solution. Savings on hospitals, doctors, dental, vision and mueh more! Call Myrah at 808-696-5113. CE06778. ALOHA: R. E. agents needed statewide. We pay 90% eommission. Part or full time, will train. O'ahu: 593-1135. www. KamaainaRealty.net. ALOHA KAMA'ĀINA: I will sell your home $2,500 flat fee, or buy using us and get $2,500 rebate! O'ahu: 593-1135; www. KamaainaRealty.net. ALWAYS FRESH 'OPIHI FROM BIG ISLAND: For gradu ations, weddings, poliheal party lū'aus, etc. Real 'ono, fresh frozen, $215 - gal, $109 - 1/2 gal, $65 - 1 qt. Call O'ahu: 808-262-7887. FOR SALE: For a list of homestead lots and homes for sale, email
or eall (leave message, your fax no. or address) Charmaine 'IlimaQuilit (R) 295-4474; tollfree: 1-877-521-2500.Century21 Realty Specialists; charmainequilit @ y ahoo . eom . FOR SALE: Hawaiian Homes lease at Ho'olehua, Moloka'i. 30 acres fenced pastoral/ ag lot. SERIOUS buyers only. Cash & 50% Hawaiian blood clearance needed. 808-553-5822 or 6581942. FOR SALE: Keōkea Hawaiian Homes lease, 2.5 acre farm lot in Kula, Maui with road access. Call 808-426-1288. FOR SALE: Oceanfront 23,000 sq. ft. lot w/ 3 bdrm/l bath home. Room to build new home oeean side. (LH). Charmaine 'IlimaQuilit (R) 295-4474; tollfree: 1-877-521-2500.Century21 Realty Specialists; charmainequilit @ y ahoo . eom . FOR SALE: Waimea (Big Island) 296 acres pastoral lot /3 bdrm/ 2
bath home. Breathtaking views. $1,300,000 (LH); Nānākuli 5 bdrm/ 3 bath home on Nānākuli Ave. $280,000 (LH); 7,600 lot in Anahola $55,000 (LH) Chaimaine 'Ilima Quilit (R) 2954474; toll free: 1-877-521-2500. Century 21 Realty Specialists; chaimainequilit @ y ahoo . eom . F/T FOSTER FAMILY ADVOCATEPOSITION: Recruit and support Hawaiian foster families by strong partnerships w/ church and community organizations. Must have car. Bachelor's degree in human services, knowledge of Hawaiian culture/language necessary. Experience working with Hawai'i's child welfaie system. Please email resume to kōkua ohanafamiles @ verizon.net. GOT GOJI? Earn commission for drinking this powerful nutritional miracle. The most nutritionally dense food on earth. 90-day money back guarantee. Call Vangie at 808-293-8043.
HARP THERAPY: Kī hō alu me ka hapa, with all types of music, live on a gold concert harp for your next event. Customized programs. Lowest piiee in town. 944-0077. HELP US HELP THOUSANDS of Americans Protect themselves against IDENTITY THEFT. Find out more about our business opportunity today! For more info visit online at prepaidlegal.com/hub/rahlomiz or eall: Ruby Ahlo-Ruiz Independent Associate, 808-960-4657. LEGAL SERVICES PLANS: I.D. theft, shield business opportunities. Celeste Dolor, Independent Associate, Pre-Paid Legal Services ine.: 808-271-8656; email: dolorc001 @ verizon.net. MEETING ROOM, CramSchool Learning Center available for meetings 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. 1311 Kapi'olani Blvd. Seats 16, free parking, 382-0304. PONCHO'S SOLAR SERVICE: Solar water heating contractor, utility rebates, tax credits, save money. HECO & MECO approved independent contractor, new systems, pool heating systems, repairs. Free estimates. O'ahu: 422-4266; Maui: 808-760-2345. Located in Waiohuli Homestead. TAKING WELLNESS TO THE WORLD! Scientific Breakthrough VIBE!!! Nothing like it on the market. Listen to testimony 1-580-431-2704 press 2, then 1. Call 808-741-0693 or 808-696-5030; email: kaiomool @hawaii.rr.com. WANTED: Fee simple & homestead properties. Call Charmaine 'Ilima Quilit (R) 295-4474 or toll free: 1-877-521-2500. Century 21 Realty Specialists; charmainequilit @yahoo. eom. WANTED: Kawaihae residential lot on the Big Island. Will pay cash. Call David @ 808-987-1721. XANGO The original mangosteen drink. Finally, something natural, an anti-oxidant and anti-inflamma-tory. Try it to believe it! For more helplul information eall Dexter 808-753-4041. ^
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