Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 1, 1 January 2006 — Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an unidentified human skeletal remain (remain) was unearthed during construction of the new Kekaha Residences, Lot 5, TMK (4) 1-2-0.2:32, Waimea District, Kaua'i, Hawai'i. This land is under the jurisdiction of the Dept. of Hawaiian Home Lands and therefore proper treatment shall occur in accordance with the Native Ameiiean Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). The remain has been identified as part of an individual of Native Hawaiian ancestry. Persons or representatives of Native Hawaiian organizations that believes itself to be culturally affiliated with the remains are asked to contact Ku'iwalu staff on O'ahu at (808) 539-3580. All responses must be received within thirty days following publication of this notice. Treatment and disposition of the remain may begin after this date and shall occur in accordance with NAGPRA rules and regulations. NOTICE TO INTERESTED PARTIES IS HEREBY GIVEN that an unmarked butial site containing human skeletal remains (SIHP #50-30-10-374) was discovered by Cultural Surveys Hawai'i, ine. at a 25-acre parcel at Kōloa Ahupua'a, Kona District, Kaua'i Island (TMK: 2-8-15:25-37 & 45-74). The human remains lie within a portion of Land Commission Award (LCA) 7714-B awarded to Moses Kekuaiwa. LCA10272, awarded to Makalulu (Maulili), and

LCA 3606, awarded to Kamae, lie just to the northwest. The remains were determined to be over 50 years old and proper treatment shall occur in accordance with Chapter 6E, Hawai'i Revised Statutes, Section 43.5, regarding unmarked butial sites. The decision to preserve in plaee the previously identified human remains shall be made by the Kaua'i/ Ni'ihau Island Burial Council in consultation with any identified descendants. The State Historic Preservation Division is requesting persons having any knowledge of the identity or history of these human skeletal remains to immediately contact Ms. Sunny Greer or Ms. Melanie Chinen, at the State Historic Preservation Division located at 555 Kakuhihewa Building, 601 Kamokila Boulevard, Kapolei, Hawai'i 96707; Telephone: 808-692-8037 or 808-692-8015; Fax: 808-692-8020. All interested parties should respond within thirty days of this notice and provide information to DLNR/SHPD adequately demonstrating lineal descent from these specific butials or cultural descent from ancestors buried in the vicinity of this project. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Archaeological Services Hawai'i, LLC, in association with Akahele Archaeology, representing Keaka LLC of 2005 Main Street, Wailuku HI 96793, has identified one butial site during inventory survey procedures at TMK 2-1-06: 37, Maluaka Ahupua'a, Honua'ula

District, Maui. The project area is within Grant 1508 Apana 2 to Makahanohano; the burial site has been designated as State Inventory of Historic Places (SIHP) Site 50-50-14-5706. The burial is believed to be Native Hawaiian based on the context within a traditional burial structure, and association with adjacent Native Hawaiian features. Proper treatment shall occur in accordance with Chapter 6E, Hawai'i Revised Statutes, Section 43.5 regarding unmarked butial sites. A Butial Treatment and Preservation Plan is being developed to identify treatment and long-term preservation measures for this burial site. We are requesting descendants of families from the area and persons with information about families from the area to contact Ms. Lisa Rotunno-Hazuka of Archaeological Services Hawaii, LLC at 244-2012, or Ms. Theresa K. Donham of Akahele Archaeology at 891-1495 to present information regarding the burial site. Respondents must demonstrate to the State Historic Preservation Division a family connection to the burial or to ancestors who onee lived in or were buried in the above mentioned ahupua'a. Please respond within 30 days. Grants and Land Commission Awards surrounding the project area include the following: Grant 1500 Apana 1 to Maluai, Grant 2623 Apana 1 to Kahaleokaia, Grant 3088 to Kanakahou, Grant 835 to Mahoe, Grant 1441 Apana 3 to L.L. Torbert, LCA 5402 B:4 to Nawaiki, and LCA 4157:1 to Kahaleokaia. S