Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2005 — Page 26 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Type or clearly write your 24-word-or-less ad and mail to: OHA at 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96813. Make eheek payable to OHA.

LOTTERY Guaranteed ineome producing system. FREE information 1-877-526-6957, ID #S0493. MAKE MONEY playing the lottery. Guaranteed system. FREE report. Call toll free: 1-877-526-6957, ID#S0493. MEETING ROOM CramSchool Learning Center available for meetings 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. 1311 Kapi'olani Blvd. Seats 16. free parking. 3820304. PONCHO'S SOLAR SERVICE: Solar water heating contractor, utility rebates, tax credits, save money. HECO & MECO approved independent contractor, new systems, pool heating systems, repairs. Free estimates. O'ahu: 422-4266; Maui: 808-760-2345. Located in Waiohuh Homestead. SELLING A PROPERTY? Getting the most for your home and selling it quickly is critical. Contact SHERYL KALAULI (RA): 953-2100; outer island: 1-800-735-2100. Century21 All Islands . shery 1. kalauli @ hawaiimo ve s . eom

TAKING WELLNESS TO THE WORLD! Scientific Breaktlirough VIBE!!! Notliing hke it on the market. Listen to testimony: 1-580-431-2704; press 2, then 1. Call 808-741-0693 or 808-696-5030. kaiomoo 1 @ hawaii.rr.com WAIOHULI PHASE 1 lessees that can't afford to build - trade your lot for my Waiohuli phase 2 lot. Phase 2 homes will be built for you. Please eall 808-870-4938. WANTED: Fee simple & homestead properties. Contact Charmaine 'llima Quilit (R): 295-4474, or toll free: 1-877-521-2500. Century 21 Realty Specialists . charmainequilit @ y ahoo. eom WANTED: Kawaihae residential lot on the Big Island. Will pay cash. Call David @ (808) 987-1721 XANGO The original mangosteen drink. Finally, something natural, an anti-oxidant and anti-inflamma-tory. Try it to believe it! For more helpful information eall Dexter: 808-753-4041. E1