Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2005 — Success for Hawaiians lies in our talents, skills, partnerships [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Success for Hawaiians lies in our talents, skills, partnerships
Eō e nā 'ōiwi 'ōlino, nā pulapula a Hāloa, mai Hawai'i a Ni'ihau, a puni ke ao mālamalama. Aloha e nā kūpuna kahiko, nāna e ho'oulu mai nei, iā kākou e holopono, a loa'a e ka lei lanakila. E hana kākou me ke ahonui, pili me ka hā a ke aloha, 'oiai e kūlia i ka nu'u, a kau i ka 'iu o luna. Aloha mai kākou i kēia mahina, ka hopena o ka makahiki. As we eome to the close of 2005, we acknowledge those who have joined in our collective efforts, and we reflect on work acconrplished, work still in progress and work yet to eome. On Dec. 7, 2005, the third annual "State of OHA and the Hawaiian Conrnrunity" speech will be delivered at Kawaiaha'o. This annual sharing and accounting for the work acconrplished in the year, the work in progress pending conrpletion and the work that lay ahead in the new year nreasure the challenges and opportunities, the triunrphs and the setbacks, the lessons and the breakthroughs for Native Hawaiians here in Hawai'i and away fronr our nrotherland experienced as aboriginal, indigenous, native people. This annual pause and assessnrent renews the spirit with hope and the will to persevere to inrprove and advance conditions for Native Hawaiians. Certainly, Native Hawaiians will not acconrplish our goals in isolation. The success for Native Hawaiians lives in our talent and skill certainly, but, also in the support and partnership with others. As an exanrple, in the ongoing pursuit of the passage of the Native Hawaiian Governnrent Reorganization Act of 2005, S.147, and the launeh and building of KAU INOA, nrany hands have reached out, nrany courageous individuals, fanrilies and groups have stepped up to help. In Iuly, OHA published in the Honolulu Advertiser the "We the undersigned" advertisenrent, a testimony of support for S. 147, in whieh 2,000 individuals affixed their nanres for all the world to see. In addition, nrore than 200 individuals, natives and non-natives assenrbled at 'Iolani Palaee
to proclainr in a unified voice support for S. 147. Hawai'i organizations, labor unions and fanrilies have and eonhnue to stand firnr in support of S. 147 as do national and regional entities. "Standing Together For Iustice," features endorsenrents fronr the Alaska Federation of Native, the National Congress of Anrerican Indians, the Association of Asian Pacific Conmrunity Heahh Organizations, Governors' Interstate Indian Council, Iapanese Anrerican Citizens League, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, League of United Latin American Citizens, Mexican Anrerican Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Nahonal Asian Pacific Anrerican Legal Consortiunr, National Association for the Advancenrent of Colored People, National Association of SocialWorkers,NationalCoalitionofAsian Pacific Anrericans, National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Conmrunity Developnrent, National Council of LaRaza, National Indian Education Association, Nahonal Organization of Pacific Islanders in Anrerica, Organization of Chinese Anrericans, Tribal Education Departnrents Nahonal Assenrbly, Virginia Indian Tribal Allianee for Life along with congressional co-sponsors of S. 147, Akaka, Inouye, Case, Abercronrbie, Snrith, Cantwell, Murkowski, Colenran, Dorgan, Stevens, Grahanr, Dodd, Bordallo, Faleonravaega, Grijalva, Moran, Young, Rahall, Cole and Honda. And in this last nronth of 2005, we ean report the KAU INOA registration is approaching 50,000 nanres. With those nrany hands, hearts, and nrinds working collectively to better the future for Native Hawaiians the potentials are linritless. For these hands, hearts and nrinds working collectively to better the future for Native Hawaiians, I say mahalo. To all, have a blessed and safe holiday season: "blessed are the peacenrakers for they will be called children of God." OHA begins year 26 in 2006, and we will continue to do our best to serve our Native Hawaiian conrnrunity. 13/48 m
Haunani Apnlinna. MSW ChairpErsūn TrustEE, At-larga