Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 12, 1 December 2005 — Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Seeking Island Burial Couneil Candidates Govemor Linda Lingle, through the Historie Preservation Division of the Department of Land and Natural Resourees, is seeking candidates who are qualified to either be a regional representahve or a development and large property owner representative on the Island Burial Councils. The councils are primarily responsible for making detenninations of preservation or relocation of previously identified Native Hawaiian burial sites and recommendations to the department regarding appropriate management, treatment, and protection of Native Hawaiian burial sites, in compliarrce with §6E-43.5 of tlie Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) and §13-300-21 of the Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR). Island Burial Council members live on tlie island they represent and attend montlily Island Burial Council meetings. To be considered as a regional representative candidate, one must have a cultural link or tie to the area being represented and demonstrate knowledge of Hawaiian culture, liistory, customs, practices, and in particular, beliefs and practices relating to the care and protection of Native Hawaiian burial sites, ancestral remains, and burial goods. To be considered as a development and large property owner representative candidate, one must be currently employed by or associated with a development or large property owner and be able to represent the interests of either development or large property owners or botli. To be considered as a candidate, please visit our website at http://www.state.lii.us/dhir/hpd/ to download a Boards and Commissions applieahon and tlie Island Burial Council Applieahon Addendum or visit any of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs branches to piek up an applieahon. For any further questions, please contact hie Historic Preservation Division at 692-8015.