Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2005 — Kūpuna conference [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Kūpuna conference

A statewide gathering of Hawaiian elders is being coordinated this month by the Kahana Community Association and Hui o nā Kūpuna o ka Na'i Aupuni Hawai'i, a kupuna organization that endeavors to bridge the differences among Hawaiians of all age groups, as kupuna councils operated See BRIEFS on page 7


Cūntinued fram page 5 in traditional times. This year's conference is set for Dec. 16-18 at Kahana State Park in Ko'olauloa on O'ahu. Discussion topics will include traditional cultural protocols, ho'oponopono, homelessness, legal issues, Hawai'i's future and nationhood. The conference will include a Friday potluck at 5 p.m., Saturday workshops, speakers and talk-story sessions, and closing ceremonies on Sunday at 1 p.m. To register for this free conference and for eamping information, eall Kapua Kaluhilei'ulaokalā at 237-7262, or email poniwolfe@yahoo.com Paniolo Hall of Fame In November, 11 new eowboys were inducted into the Paniolo Hall of Fame at

the Hawai'i Cattlemen's Council's annual convention on Hawai'i island. The Paniolo Hall of Fame was created in 1999 by the O'ahu Cattlemen's Association to recognize the contribution of eowboys to the paniolo heritage and to the perpetuation of the cattle industry. The new inductees bring the number of members in the hall of fame to 79, with eaeh island represented. The Paniolo Hall of Fame's new members are: • Tony I. Jose of Palani Ranch, Hawai'i • William Kaniho (1894-1978) of Parker Ranch, Hawai'i • Robert Kamuela "Sonny" Keākealani Ir. of Parker Ranch • Eben Parker Low (18641954) of Parker Ranch and Pu'uwa'awa'a Ranch, Hawai'i • Ioseph Punilei Manini Sr. of Makaweli Ranch and Pu'u 'Ōpae Ranch, Kaua'i •Alfred Medeiros Ir. of McCandless Ranch, Hawai'i

• lohn B. Medeiros Jr. (19272001) of Pu'uwa'awa'a Ranch • Herman L. Paeheeo (19341991) of Shipman Ranch and Parker Ranch, Hawai'i • Martin Ikua Purdy Ir. of Parker Ranch • laek Ramos (1918-2002) of laek Ramos Ranch, Hawai'i • Charles "Kale" Stevens (19291994) of Parker Ranch. The O'ahu Cattlemen's Association is also conducting an oral history interview series to record the stories of Hawai'i's paniolo. For more information, on the project, visit hicattle.org. Adult education Beginning in January, Alu Like will hold free basic adult education and General Educational Development (GED) preparation classes that include Hawaiian history and culture instruction. See BRIEFS ūū pagE II


Cūntinued fram page 7 The classes will be offered through Alu Like's Native Hawaiian Literacy Services Project and run from lan. 18 to March 15 in Nānākuli and Kaka'ako. For information, eall Kawai Aona-Ueoka at 535-1361 orYoletta Boucher at 668-0555. Run for justice The 'īlio 'ulaokalani Coalition will hold a Kū i ka Pono Run for Justice around an easy 2.5-mile course in downtown Honolulu 1 on Jan. 15, with divisions for bicyclists, runners, walkers and groups. Schools, hālau, clubs, classes, families and companies are encouraged to participate. The event is part of a three-day celebration that cuhninates with a vigil to remember the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom. On the day of the run, the grounds of 'Iolani Palaee will be filled with food and information booths, and Hawaiian art and craft vendors. Special rates are available for early registration, whieh ends on Dec. 26. The early entry fee is $15 and includes a special edition hlaek Kū i ka Pono T-shirt; $10 without event T-shirt. Late entry fee will cost $20 and includes event T-shirt; $15 without Tshirt. Event packets piekup is Jan. 7, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Kalihi Kai Elementary parking lot. The event starts at 7 a.m. on Jan. 15. For information, eall 753-9773 or visit www.ilio.org. Kanu o ka 'Āina jobs Kanu o ka 'Āina Learning 'Ohana, in partnership with Kanu o ka 'Āina New Century Puhlie Charter School, is seeking

applicants to fill various school positions. Both organizations are located in Waimea on Hawai'i island and are conunitted to perpetuating Hawaiian language, culture and traditions. They are accepting applications for the following positions: • Paraprofessional /educational assistant • K-2 elementary teacher • Middle school language arts teacher • Certified special education teacher • Teacher trainer • Curriculum planner • Human resource specialist • Principle investigator/grants manager Submit resumes by email to olanililly@yahoo.com, fax to 808-887-0030 or mail to P.O. Box 6511, Kamuela, HI 96743. No phone calls please. IV\ed school prep UH Mānoa's John A. Burns School of Medicine is currently accepting applications for a program that prepares students from Hawai'i and throughout the Pacific for the rigors of medical school. The 'hni Ho'ōla Post-Baccalaureate program is a 12-month series of workshops, seminars and lectures that help develop critical thinking skills, allow participants to interact with medical students and faculty and provide networking opportunities with medical professionals. The applieahon deadline for the 20062007 school year is Jan. 13. Applicants must be from a disadvantaged background and demonstrate a coimnitment to serve areas of need in Hawai'i and the Pacific. For information, eall Nanette Kapulani Judd at 6921030, or write to University of Hawai'i at Mānoa; John A. Burns School of Medicine; 'hni Ho'ōla Post-Baccalaureate Program; 651 Ilao Street MEB 3rd Floor; Honolulu, Hi 96813. M