Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 11, 1 November 2005 — Home loans for Home Londs [ARTICLE]

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Home loans for Home Londs

American Savings Bank has introduced a new loan program, Ho'olako Pono, whieh offers eonstruction loans and mortgages to Department of Hawaiian Home Lands lessees. These conventional loans utilize private mortgage insurance from Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corp. and ean be used to purchase a home, finance construction of a new home or refinance an existing home mortgage. There is no minimum down payment, and 100 percent financing is available. Interest rates are fixed throughout the life of the loan. The maximum loan amount available under the program is $539,475. For more infonnation, qualification requirements or to apply for a Ho'olako Pono loan, eall 5931226 (O'ahu) or 1-800-272-2566 (toll-free from neighbor islands). For online infonnation, visit www. asbhawaii.com.