Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 11, 1 November 2005 — Page 23 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Email: kwa@ŪHA.arg websites: www.QHA.arg www.NativEHawaiians.cam Clyde W. Nāmu'o Administratnr Manu Buyd Public lnfnrmatinn DirEctnr Derek Ferrar Public lnfnrmatinn Specialist Miehael McDunald Publicaticns Specialist/Art Directcr 'Aukai Reynulds Media Prnductinn SpEcialist/WEbmastEr Sterling Kini Wung Publicaticns Editnr Juhn Matsuzaki Prcducticn Specialist Francine Murray Plū S u p p □ rt Assistant Charles ūgata VnluntEEr

HŪNŪLULU 711 Kapi'nlani Blvd ., Ste. 5DD Hanūlulu, Hl 36813 Phane: 8D8.534.I888 Fax: 8D8.534.I865 EAST HAWAI'I (HILŪ) 162-A Baker AvEnuE Hiln, Hl 3672Ū Phane: 8D8.32D.64I8 Fax: 8D8.32D.642I WEST HAWAI'I (KŪNA) 75-57Ū6 Hanama Pl„ Ste. ID7 Kailua-Kana, Hl 3674Ū Phane: 8D8.323.7368 Fax: 8D8.326.7328 MŪLŪKA'I / LĀNA'I Kūlana 'Ūiwi P.Ū. Bax 1717 Kaunakakai, Hl 36748 Phane: 8D8.5GD.3GII Fax: 8D8.5GD.33G8 Kaua'i / Ni'ihau 3-3IŪŪ Kūhia Hwy„ Ste. 64 Li ~ h u'e, Hl 36766-1153 Phane: 8D8.24I.333D Fax: 8D8.24I.35D8 Maui I4D Ha'ahana St„ Ste. 2DG Kahului, Hl 36732 Phane: 8D8.243.52I3 Fax: 8D8.243.5DIG Washingtun, D.C. I3DI Cannecticut Ave. NW, Ste.2DD Wash in gtc n, D.C. 2DD3G Phane: 2D2.72I.I388 Fax: 2D2.4GG.7737 Notice to Readers Ka Wai Ola o OHA will aeeepī for consideration news releases and letters to the editor on topics of relevance and interest to OHA and Hawaiians, as well as special events and reunion notices. Ka Wai Ola o OHA reserves the rightto edit all material for length and content, or not to publish as available space or other considerations may require. Ka Wai Ola o O'HA does not accept unsolicited manuscripts. Deadline for submissions is the eighth day of every month. Late submissions are considered only on a space-available basis. ©2005 Office of Hawaiian Affairs. All rights reserved.