Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2005 — Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Type or clearly write your 24-word-or-less ad and mail to: &3IgLjjllliagL&2lilĀ^K^ES^J OHA at 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, III 96813. Make eheek payable to ( ) 1 1 A .

AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE: $69.95/ mo. per family. Pre-existing eonditions aeeepted. The non-insur-anee solution. Savings on hospitals, doetors, dental, vision and mueh more! Call Myrah at 808-696-5113. CE06778. ALOHA PUMPINO SERVICE: Big Island's eesspool & septie tank disposal professionals. Don't wait for an emergeney, sehedule your next maintenanee. Call Diekie 935-6509. ALWAYS FRESH 'OPIHI FROM BIG ISLAND: For gradu ation, weddings, polkieal party lū'au, ete. Real 'ono, fresh frozen, $215 -gal„ $109-1/2 gal„ $65 1 qt. Call O'ahu: 808-262-7887. DON'T LOSE YOUR HOMESTEAD IN WAIOHULI ON MAUI! We ean help you to get financing, design your home and build it. Call 808-877-7590 ASAP. FOR SALE: For a list of homestead lots and homes for sale, email or eall (leave message, your fax no. or address). Charmaine 'Ilima Quilit (R) 2954474; toll free: 1-877-521-2500. Century 21 Realty Specialists, charmainequilit @ y ahoo. eom. FOR SALE: Oceanfront 23,000 sq.ft. lot with a 3 bdrm/l bath home. Room to build a new home on the oeean side. $450,000 (LH) Charmaine 'Ilima Quilit (R) 2954474; toll free: 1-877-521-2500. Century 21 Realty Specialists, charmainequilit @ y ahoo. eom. FOR SALE: Waimea (Big Island) 296 acres Pastoral Lot /3 bdrm, 2 bath home. Breathtaking views. $1,300,000 (LH); Nānākuli 5 bdrm, 3 bath home on Nānākuli Ave. $280,000 (LH); 7,600 sq. ft. lot in Anahola $55,000 (LH). Charmaine 'Ilima Quilit (R) 2954474; toll free: 1-877-521-2500. Century 21 Realty Specialists, charmainequilit @ y ahoo. eom. GAIN OPTIMAL HEALTH: I have lost 150 lbs. & weaned off from 7 meds per day. Sleep apnea is "gone." May I help you? Roy Horner; info@keolakino.com, 808-336-0802.

GOT GOJI JUICE? Get Himalayan Goji Juice and get on the road to heahh and weahh! Contact Vangie at 293-8043 or email VangieR@getgojionline. eom. HARP THERAPY: Kl hō alu me ka hapa, whh all types of music, live on a gold concert harp for your next event. Customized programs. Lowest price in town. 944-0077. HAWAIIAN HOMESTEAD LOT FOR SALE - NĀNĀKULI: Lot Size 15,834 sq. ft.; address: 89-210 Lepeka Ave. (Back lot) - Must be 50% Hawaiian. Phone 595-6391 or 342-2961. HELP US HELP THOUSANDS of Americans protect themselves against IDENTITY THEFT. Find out more about our business opportunity today! For more info eall: Ruth Ahlo-Ruiz, Independent Associate: 808-960-4657. LOOKING FOR LOT in Keōkea and or Waiohuli, Maui, paying top

dollar. (702) 806-7962. Family looking to move home from Vegas. LOTTERY Guaranteed ineome producing system. FREE information. Call 1-877-526-6957, ID #S0493. MAKE MONEY playing the lottery. Guaranteed system. FREE report. Call toll free 1-877-526-6957, ID#S0493. MEETING ROOM, CramSchool Learning Center available for meetings 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. 1311 Kapi'olani Blvd. Seats 16, free parking, 382-0304. OWN YOUR OWN HOMEBASED BUSINESS Enjoy more time whh your family. Full or part time. Training provided. Phone: 808-225-5270, toll free: 888-936-9025. PONCHO'S SOLAR SERVICE: Solar water heating contractor, utility rebates, tax credits, save

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