Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 11, 1 November 2005 — We have much to be thankful for [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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We have much to be thankful for

Dnnald B. Cataluna TrustEE, Kaua'i and Ni'ihau

What do we have to be thankful for? Mueh! But sometimes we have a hard time being thankful.

"We are pressed on every side by troubles, but not crushed or broken. We are perplexed because we don't know why things happen as they do but we don't give up and quit. We are knocked down but we get up again and keep going." This is a paraphrase of second Corinthians, verse four, and it pretty mueh sums up the problems we have faced this

past year. They have been many and varied, but we have met them head on, and with diligence we have found solutions to the problems. If we focus only on our problems, all we will see are obstacles. Therefore let us focus on solutions. This is a time to unite, to hold and to help one another. It is not a time to point fingers, divide our people or make accusations. We look forward to this Thanksgiving as a time to be together as a family, as we look prayerfully to a brighter and better future. We are thankful for the many blessings that we have received and we must work together to build our beloved nation as Hawaiians of confidence, hope and faith. E3

Ka'auwai — After a long 17-year wait, nā mo'opuna of Isaiah Kalunakanawai Ka'auwai and Daisy Contrades are planning a family reunion to be held July 7-9, 2006, on Kaua'i. Nā mo'opuna are asking for all family members to submit updated information on names, phone numbers, and home and email addresses. We would like all the information as soon as possible so we ean start keeping family members in the loop with reunion information. If you are a Ka'auwai and have not yet been eontacted, or if you need more information, eall Nalani Ka'auwai Brun at 652-3304 (eell) or 822-0811 (home), or email at geevum001 @ earthlink.net. Kahanamoku family seareh — Kimo (James) Kianoha Kahanamoku (Cook) was bom between 1902 and 1905, and died in 1932. His wife was Annis Eloise Cook. She is my great-grandmother and is still alive. James was bom in Honolulu and died in Eugene, Ore., of tuberculosis. His mother's name on his death certificate is Elizabeth and his father's is Manuel. My great-grandma said they worked in the Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Waikīkī. Kimo left Honolulu on a ship and eame to the Port of Seattle and worked his way down the coast to the Coos Bay area where he met my great-grandma. He must have eome over in the early 1920s from the

Honolulu. Kimo had five children before he died: Betty Lou Cook (died shortly after birth), James Lloyd Cook (died in 2004), Helen Delores Cook (my grandmother), Harold Joseph Cook and Manuel Kianoha Cook. If you have any information, contact Mikayle by phone at 541-344-4377 or 541-912-1021, or by mail at 2230 Tyler Street, Eugene, OR 97405-2159. Kekahuna family seareh — I am seeking relatives in the Hawaiian islands. My 'ohana is Kekahuna. My father is a Kekahuna. His dad is David Noeau Kekahuna. My father is one of nine ehildren. My grandfather's wife is Emily A. Haae. I'm trying to meet any relatives to this 'ohana. I was told that the Kekahuna 'ohana is huge, and I'm working on the family genealogy. If you have any information on the Kekahuna or Haae families, contact Lavaina Kekahuna-Hoaeae at 6966838 or email to Kekahunapride@hotmail. eom or write to 87-1643 Ulehawa Rd, Wai'anae, HI 96792 Konohia Ihu — My great-grandfather Konohia U'u (1861-1918) was married to Hoopii (Hapakuka) Konohia (1856-1928) from Ulupalakua. They are the parents of my grandfather Ioela Konohia U'u (a.k.a. Ioela Konohia, Joel Konohia U'u, Joel Konohia) of Pauwela, Maui. My grand-

mother was Lilliana (Kealoha) Konohia of Huelo, Maui. My great-grandfather Konohia U'u has a huge burial plot at the Ha'ikū Protestant Church beside Hoopii and two of their daughters (my great aunts) Annie Mitchell and Lizzie Mitchell. I have been told that my great-grandfather onee owned Māliko gulch and the town of Pā' ia along with other properties in Kuiaha and Pa'uwela. If anyone has information about him please contact me, Eric Konohia, by mail at 6403 Gifford Lane Temple Hills, MD 20748; email Ekonohia@comcast.net; or eall (301) 440-7586. Kumahakaua (Kilauano) — We are gathering information to organize a reunion on Kaua'i. We need kōkua to update our genealogy and to form a 'ohana committee. We are looking for the descendants of Kumahakaua (Kilauano)/Baba (Papa) and Kainoapuka/Kaoao. Ihe Kumahakaua 'ohana consisted of six children who were all originally from Hamakua, Hawai'i Island and later relocated to Kaua'i. The children were: Louis, Kamaile, Kilauano Liilii, Kamala, Alika and Kamaluhia. The Kainoapuka 'ohana, originally from Kalalau and Mana, consisted of five children. They were: Kalaulahaole, Kawahinenohopali, Kailiau, Pakana and Kawehiwa. These descendants trace back to the 1700s-1800s. Genealogy research

was done by Carolyn Kilauano. Lor information, contact Kunane Aipoalani at 3371219, Rhoda Kilauano Golden at 337-1104 or email at Grhoda@aol.com. Lu'uloa - Nā mo'opuna of Samuel Lu'uloa Sr. (bom Oct. 1, 1905, in Kaluaaha Moloka'i) are planning a family reunion in July 2007 on Moloka'i. His daughters are Elizabeth Chang of 'Aiea, O'ahu, and Aliee Smith of Ho'olehua, Moloka'i. His sons are Paul Lu'uloa of Moloka'i, Thomas Lu'uloa of Pearl City, O'ahu, Walter Lu'uloa of Nānākuli, O'ahu, and Henry Lu'uloa of Moloka'i. His mo'opuna are asking for all the family members to submit updated information on names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail. We would like all information as soon as possible so we ean start a committee. The contact person is Sam Lu'uloa: P.O. Box 1516, Kaunakakai, HI 96748; eell, 808-336-1445; e-mail, luuloa@hotmail.com. Also contact Joreen N. Mamuad: P.O. Box 1521, Kaunakakai, HI 96748; home, 808-567-6221 ; e-mail, joreenn.m. @yahoo. eom. Pelekane — To all the descendants of Samson K. Pelekane and Mary Kaaua, and Samson K. Pelekane and Kalei Ikaika: a reunion is being planned for June 28-July 6, 2006. Ihe theme is "To Bring Together." It is planned by the great-grandchildren

of Louis K. Pelekane Sr. Lamily members include Miehael, Sammy Pelekane, George I. Pelekane, James Kimo Pelekane, Charles Adam Pelekane, Lrancis Pelekane, Margret Kaelemakakule, Agnes Lemandez, Rose Lrost, Elizabeth Libby (last name unknown) and William Pelekane. Lor information, eall steering committee general chairperson Romeo (Baba) Ignacio at 808-938-8171; Theodore (Maluhia) "Teddy Boy" Benedicto at 808-960-0651; Donovan Daog at 808-937-3957; Agnes (Ipo) Benedicto at 808-989-8686; Louis K. Pelekane Jr. at 808-345-2070; or Rose K. (Chief) Paeheeo at 808-963-6807. Waikoloa family seareh — We are planning a family gathering of the Waikoloa 'ohana. We are attempting to locate the family members of Jacob Waikoloa (bom on Maui, 1885) and his first wife, Philomena Paakaula (bom on Kaua'i, date unknown). Jacob had a second wife, Mary Waikoloa. Jacob's father's name is unknown, but his mother was Victoria Kauhaahaa. Our family is related through Mathias Waikoloa (bom in Waipahu, 1907), son of Jacob and Philomena. We request that if your family is related in any way to please contact Rae Leong at 236-0115. īM


E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola o OHA will print your listing at no charge on a space-avail-able basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information to OHA, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nā mamo a Hāloal