Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 11, 1 November 2005 — Board Action Report [ARTICLE]

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Board Action Report

Major actions approved by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees in the third quarter of 2005 Prepared by the ŪHA ūffice af Baard Services • Changes to the OHA Strategic Plan - Re-titling the existing 2002-2007 plan as the "OHA Strategic Plan 2006-2011." - Adopting a policy that all goals of the OHA Strategic Plan will list at least one strategy that will promote, protect and/or advocate for Native Hawaiian rights, entitlements and or issues. • Grants - $100,000 to Alu Like's Ho'āla Hou Department to establish the OHA Adult Correctional Program. -$100,000 to Alu Like's Hui Kū 'Ōpio o Ke Ko'olau to extend the OHA Olomana Program for youth inmates. • Wao Kele o Puna - Authorized the OHA administrator to enter into agreements to acquire and manage two contiguous parcels of land in Puna, Hawai'i, known as Wao Kele o Puna. The purposes of this acquisition are to maintain the natural and cultural resources of the parcels, to protect the exercise of traditional and customary rights by Native Hawaiians on the parcels and to ensure the parcels pass to the future Hawaiian governing entity. • Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund - Approved submission to the Administration for Native Americans of the following individuals to serve on the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund Advisory Board of Directors: Debra Henton, Karen Taketa, Lawrence Lasua, Jo-Ann Ridao, Dr. Patsy Izumo, Richard Nelson and William Vincent. Linda Henriques and Gail Nakama were submitted as possible alternates should the above individuals not be able to participate. These individuals will replace positions vacated by Paula C.H. Chang, Stephen E.K. Kaaa and William K. Pimental.