Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 11, 1 November 2005 — The U.S. is returning lraq's sovereignty, what about Hawaiʻi? [ARTICLE]

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The U.S. is returning lraq's sovereignty, what about Hawaiʻi?

Assuming that my thoughts are correct, when the U.S. government recently overthrew tyrant Saddam Hussein in Iraq, there was a period of time when the phrase "returning their sovereignty" heeame an important issue to the U.S. oeeupahon. This is too similar to the situation that is in plaee in Hawai'i nei, and yet Iraq's sovereignty restoration is close to completion. Our peaceful queen, under duress and threatened by the same U.S. occupation over 100 years ago, relinquished the throne not understanding the insatiable nature of the beast, thinking the U.S. would fairly reassess the overthrow in a timely manner as they would later do in Iraq and

return her to the throne. I think it is past due to demand now that President Bush reinstate our sovereignty, free Hawai'i, as well as innnediately initiate a de-occupation of our islands. This would be a step in the right direction. Although the thought of war here is unpleasant, I really think there are no other options. The United States' continued stealing is like the Energizer rabbit that keeps going (taking) and going (taking) and going (taking). The concept is a simple one: further association with and occupation by the U.S. is absolutely not what I believe Hawaiians need to be looking at to fulfill their dreams. After all, should that table ever be turned, "putting all Hawaiian lands in Hawaiian hands," it would make Hawaiians the wealthiest

indigenous people on earth. Why would we want it to be any other way (for instance, being categorized like Indians or Native Alaskans), when if the cards are played properly, we could have our eake and eat it too? Debra Kekaualua Wailua Homesteads, Kaua'i