Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2005 — Page 12 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
v \<j Feb. 8, "i After 2 partial agrc I lGov. John ' I ponents of I approves tt HMk— D''Y receive: ■ and interes February 1991 0HA moves to its present headgu Jan. 17, 1993 Thousands markthelOOthannivc throw of the Hawaiian Kingdom at i charged rally at 'lolani Palaee. The t commemoration is Oueen Lili'uokalai "Onipa'a" (stand firm). The event ir calls for Hawaiian self-determination. Soon afterward, Congress passes Apology Resolution, whieh acknov edges the illegality of the overthrow and calls for a process of reconeiliahon between the U.S. governmer and Hawaiians. July 1993 For the first time, 0HA trustees a regular salary, after being eom relatively small amount per meetir agency's first 1 3 years. The state Lee trustee salaries at $32,000 per year May 1994 The federal government agrees to to hold in trust for eventual transfer I November 1994 President Bill Clinton signs the Ape ing inputfrom the Hawaiian eommui the reconciliation process called for in "the Native Hawaiian people should I within the framework of federal law, April 1996 Hawai'i island rancherand missioi federal lawsuit contending that, as a i denied thc ī)r