Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2005 — Pauahi's intentions [ARTICLE]
Pauahi's intentions
We would simply like to express our thoughts on the recent court ruling against Kamehameha Schools' admissions policy. We feel the judges needed to interpret the words and the
intentions of Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop within the time and context in whieh they were written. We feel that when she refers to the children of Hawai'i, she is referring to the native children of Hawai'i, as in the song Kaulana Nā Pua o Hawai'i. Yes, famous are the children of Hawai'i - the native children of Hawai'i. When the ali'i referred to the children of Hawai'i, they were referring to the children of Hawaiian descent. We're sure, as Kelly Greenwell stated in his September letter, that Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop would have wanted all of Hawai'i's children to be educated. But we do not think her intention was to set up a trust for everybody. Her trust was intended for Native Hawaiian children. She wanted to make sure they would have sufficient education to be able to survive and succeed in a Hawai'i that was rapidly changing. She wanted to make sure Native Hawaiian children were not left behind. They had already lost so mueh. Melvin and Audrey Sallas Seattle, Washington