Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 10, 1 October 2005 — Page 27 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Classifieds only §12.50
AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE: $69.95/ mo per family. Pre-existing eonditions accepted. The non-insurance solution. Savings on hospitals, doctors, dental, vision and mueh more! Call Myrah at 808-696-5113. CE06778. ALWAYS FRESH OPIHI FROM BIG ISLAND: For graduations, weddings, poliīieal party lū'aus etc. Real 'ono, fresh frozen, $215 - gal, $109 - 1/2 gal, $65 1 qt. Call O'ahu: 808-262-7887. ANAHOLA HAVEN 2 bdrm. cedar A-frame home on 1 acre. Natural setting, overlooking secluded valley. Oeean & mountain views. 5 minutes to beach. $999, 999. Contact 808-639-7434 or carolmarire@yahoo.com. DON'T LOSE YOUR HOMESTEAD IN WAIOHULI ON MAUI! We ean help you to get financing, design your home and build it. Call 808-877-7590 ASAP. FOR SALE by owner: 3 bdrm/ 2 bath, 1 year old, 1,176 sq. ft. on 0.8-acre property. Rim lot. Waiohuli Maui. $425,000/ OBO. Serious or DHHL qualified only. 822-3958 evenings. FOR SALE: For a list of homestead lots and homes for sale, email or eall (leave message, your fax no. or address) Charmaine 'Ilima Quilit (R) at 295-4474; toll free: 1-877-521-2500.