Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 10, 1 October 2005 — Haole cold shoulder [ARTICLE]
Haole cold shoulder
Tell the 9th Circuit Court: if Hawaiians don't help Hawaiians, then who will? Not the welfare system or the unemployment office, both of whieh gave me a hard time when my wife was in the hospital and I had to watch my two little girls for three months. But haoles fresh off the plane could get cash and food stamps from a state welfare office, jump in their rented van with windsurfing equipment and talk about going down to a heaeh park to set up their tents and camping gear. I'm tired of these haoles trying to sue OHA or Kamehameha Schools. What are they suing them for? For helping Hawaiians get ahead? I'm sure if we asked haoles for help, we would get the cold shoulder. During the Kamehameha Schools rally and demonstration on Maui, along Ka'ahumanu Avenue, I saw haoles put their heads down or grimace because they felt embarrassed by what someone of their own race caused. Rodney Souza Wailuku, Maui