Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2005 — A NEW LOOK FOR KWO [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


B^very fewyears, the appearance of Ka Wai Ola o OHA is revisited and revamped based on reader input, industry standards r and design trends. Effective next month, KWO will be getting a new shape and look - a transformation we hope you will Lfind as exciting as we do. — īhe new-and-improved OHA publication will feature more color images, more pages and a more contemporary feel. In addition, the page size will heeome slightly shorter and wider, changing from 1 1 "xl 6" to 10 /2 x 12 '/2 to reflect the technical requirements of our printer. First published in the summer of 1981, Ka Wai Ola, meaning "the living water," is the most-read Native Hawaiian publication covering news, features and commentary. Current circulation is about 60,000, including 4,300 subscribers on the U.S. continent. Subscription to the monthly publication is free. In addition to KWO' s new look, we are upgrading mailing procedures to the neighbors islands, so our subscribers on those islands should start receiving their copies sooner. Last year, we began air-mailing copies to our subscribers on the continent, whieh has W increased efficiency dramatically. I Ka Wai Ola is produced by 0HA's Puhlie lnformation 0ffice. As we approach the agency's 25th anniversary, we continue to strive I | to serve our communities by providing information that is timely, interesting, informative and Hawaiian.