Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 8, 1 August 2005 — Remembering Dr. Moser [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Remembering Dr. Moser
In Mareh, we lost a wonderful person with a earing heart full of aloha whom we will forever remember for his unselfish love and devotion to people, espeeially his patients living on dialysis. Dr. Steve Moser was my friend and the friend of many who knew him for what he stood up for and believed in. It saddens me to lose this amazing person who was trying his hardest to bring dialysis to our kūpuna living in Hāna. These kūpuna are plaeed at a great risk by traveling the dangerous Hāna Highway, and neither the Hawaiian nor the Ameriean system has stepped up to the plate. I am eontinuing this grassroots movement, for I know this is what Dr. Moser would have wanted. He saw a potential for dialysis in the Hāna eommunity, with its surrounding medieal personnel living in Hāna, who would love to work here instead of driving outside of Hāna. We now have a wonderful Hāna boy who is a doetor employed by Hui no ke Ola Pono. As we patiently await a miracle, we ean only hope the right person will eome to our aid and help our kūpuna living with dialysis in the Hāna Community. Lehua Cosma Hāna, Maui
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