Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2005 — ʻAukake --Kepakemapa [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

ʻAukake --Kepakemapa


Sat.-Sun., Aug. 13-14 — Pu'ukoholā Heiau celebration This two-day event celebrates the establishment of the Pu'ukoholā Heiau, whieh was constructed under the rule of Kamehameha I around 1790, as a National Historic Site. Ceremonial rituals mark the start of the celebration on Saturday with a march, ho'okupu offerings and traditional hula. Demonstrations and cultural workshops will follow the ceremony. The craft workshops will eonlinue on Sunday. On Sat., event runs from 7 a.m.-3 p.m.; Sun., from 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Kawaihae, Hawai'i island. For information, eall 808-882-7218 ext.23. Thurs., Aug. 1 8 — Moonlight Mele on the Lawn Bank of Hawai'i is the title sponsor of this summer music series at Kaiwi'ula, the grounds of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. In this third performance in the three-part series, Moon, John and Jerome of the Mākaha Sons are set to take the stage on

the museum's Great Lawn, fronting the now-under-construction Science Center. 6:30 p.m. Bishop Museum. $15. Discounts for Bishop Museum Association and Bank of Hawai'i members. For information, eall 8473511. Fri.-Sun., Aug. 19-21 — Made in Hawai'i Festival More than 400 exhibitors will show off their wares, including Hawaiian music, clothing, home furnishings, jewelry, crafts, toys, plants and food prepared by some of Hawai'i's most

talented chefs. Live music by Nā Hōkū Hanohano Award winner for Female Vocalist of the Year Raiatea Helm, Del Beazley, Maunalua, Aunty Genoa Keawe, Kimo Alama Keaulana, Weldon Kekauoha, Nathan Aweau, Brittni Paiva, Marlene Sai, Frank De Lima and more. Neal Blaisdell Exhibition Hall. 10 a.m.-9 p.m. (Fri., Sat.) and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Sun.). For information, eall 533-1292, or visit www.madeinhawaiifestival.com. Sat., Aug. 20 — Hana 'lmi Na'auao East Maui comes together in a ho'olaule'a to raise scholarship funds for 'ohana from the Ke'anaeWailuanui ahupua'a. Presented by the Nā Moku Aupuni o Ko'olau Hui and Maui County with support from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, the daylong event will feature entertainment, 'ono food, crafts, a farmer's market, silent auction, cultural demonstration and lo'i tours. This is a aleohol- and drug-free event, no coolers. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Ke'anae Ball Park. Free. For information, eall 808-242-6742, or 808-283-4686. Sun., Aug. 21 - Hawaiian Slack-key Guitar Festival Mihon Lau, Ka-Hōkū Productions and the Kī Hō'alu Foundation present this 23rd annual event featuring a huge cast that includes loeal and visiting guitarists. Spend the day in Waikīkī and take in the sounds of Maunalua, Brittni Paiva, Pali, John Craz, Donald Kauli'a, Mike Ka'awa, David Kahiapo and more. 'Ono food and craft displays will also be on hand. Queen Kapi'olani Park. 1 1 a.m.-6 p.m. Free. For information, eall 239-4336. Thurs.-Sun., Aug. 25-28 - Kaua'i County Farm Bureau Fair Something for everyone at this annual family fair with E.K. Fernandez rides, a petting zoo, livestock show, demonstrations and exhibits, 'ono food and non-stop live entertainment. 6 p.m.-midnight (Fri.), noon-midnight (Sat., Sun.). Vidinha Stadium, Līhu'e. $4 general admission, $2 children 4-11. For information, eall 808-828-2120. Sat., Aug. 27 — Hawai'i Royal Court lnvestiture Eaeh island presents a royal court during the Aloha Festivals representing Hawai'i's nobility of old. The investiture ceremonies, called ho'ola'a, are where these courts receive their symbols of reign and are dedicated in tra-

ditional style. Join the Hawai'i island court at Halema'uma'u crater with a ceremony that includes oli and hula by Hilo's renown Hālau O Kekuhi. Noon. Halema'uma'u, Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park. Free, but park entrance fee may apply. For information on this and other Aloha Festivals events, visit www.alohafestivals.com, or eall 589-1771. Sat., Aug. 27 — Civic club benefit The Waikīkī Hawaiian Civic Club hopes to raise scholarship funds as they celebrate their 40th anniversary. Join club members at a grand pā'ina with 'ono Hawaiian food and entertainment. 4-7 p.m. St. Francis School, Mānoa. $20 donation. For information, eall 732-2304 or 265-1031. Sun., Aug. 28 - Hulihe'e Palaee concert Music by the Merrie Monarch Glee Club and hula by Nā Pua U'i O Hawai'i under the direction of Kumu Hula Etua Lopes is the fare for this outdoor concert at the Kailua landmark. Presented by the Daughters of Hawai'i, this hō'ike pays tribute to Kauikeaouli, King Kamehameha III. Bring mats and lawn chairs. 4 p.m. Hulihe'e Palaee, Kailua, Kona. Free. For information, eall 808-329-1877. Fri., Sept. 9 — WaikFkF Ho'olaule'a hloek party One of the Aloha Festivals' megaevents, the Waikīkī Ho'olaule'a draws tens of thousands of kama'āina and malihini to the largest block party in Hawai'i. Entertainment stages line Kalākaua Avenue from Lewers Street to Kapahulu Avenue with a line-up to satisfy a wide range of musical tastes. Aloha Festivals T-shirts, ribbons and other merchandise available. 7 p.m. Kalākaua Avenue, Waikīkī. Free. For information and a full list of Aloha Festivals events, visit www.alohafestivals.com, or eall 589-1771. VI Ka Wai Ola o OHA accepts information on special events throughout the islands that are of interest to the Hawaiian community. Fund-raisers, benefit concerts, cultural activities, sports events and the like are what we'd like to help you promote. Send information and color photos to Ka Wai Ola o OHA 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Ste. 500 Honolulu, HI 96813-5249

Moon, John and Jerome will play at the Bishop Museum's Moonlight Mele on the Lawn concert series.