Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2005 — Impressed, depressed [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Impressed, depressed
After going through the June issue of Ka Wai Ola, I been blow my mind. Here are two uncles of some stature representing. Kelly Greenwell been impress me to the max with his poetic justice. That uncle's mana'o, I going cut out and paste someplace for the future generations ean see. I may even take it down to the houseless villages all over the state to show that one unele was not bamboozled. Maybe those houseless Kanakas are druggies, maybe some are not. They may be employed, or they may not. I would just want them to read. Then there was that other unele who been depress me. He was talking about the housing market and the capitalist/constitution-based legal system/market - how all the environmentalists and Hawaiian activists are making it harder for a regular Kanaka to afford a home. Maybe, but maybe not. Already in plaee are various agencies whose kuleana is to share some of the fruits of the mother earth with her keikis? Maybe, and then again, maybe not. If you have low - or no - ineome, you will not qualify for Prince Jonah Kalaniana'ole's gift to the hard luek Hawaiians. The proof is in the pudding. Check out the beaches all over the state, in the bushes, in the vans at the state and county parks. These agencies to help are already in plaee. This unele that been depress me is saying that with the Akaka Bill, all that going improve. Maybe, but then again, maybe not. But the most bizarre part of all this is that this unele been uphold that constitution/ capitalist-based legal system/mar-
ket that been overthrow Kanakaville as a judge. Keli'i " Skippy " loane King's Landing, Hawai'i
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