Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 7, 1 July 2005 — HOʻOHUI ʻOHANA [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: If you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola o OHA will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings are printed chronologically and should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information to OHA, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nā mamo a Hāloa!
Pe'a/Keliihoomalu — A reunion for the descendants of Kahale Charles Iaukea, Kuluwaimaka Keliihoomalu, Tutu Samuel Kahuakai Keliihoomalu and Kalama Pila Waiau of Kaimu, Puna Hawaii, is being formed. A steering committee is in the process of being organized. The confirmed dates are July 7-9, 2005. This event is planned for Wailoa State Park, Pavilhon #2 (largest one). Since we are in formation, it would be niee if eaeh child of Kahale Charles Iaukea, Kuluwaimaka Kehihoomalu, Samuel Kahuakai Keliihoomalu & Kalama Pila Waiau be represented in the steering committee. The chairperson for this event is Aunty Barbara Kekaualua, 431 Keonaona St. Hilo, HI 96720, 808-959-3876. Other contacts are Lois Sanekane 808-982-9321; Lizzie Pankey 808-968-7093; Mabel Wilson 808-982-7645. Adolpho — The Adolpho 'ohana reunion will be held July 8-11, 2005 at Hanamā'ulu Beah Park, Kaua'i. A family lū'au will be held on July 9 at Līhu'e LDS Ward Gym, 4598 'Ehiku St. For information, eall Kula at 808-245-6072, or email at kahenoa@hawaiihnk.net Waialae/Mokulehua — The descendants of George Waialae Sr. and Julia Mokulehua will hold a 'ohana reunion on July 16, 2005, at Nānākuli Beach Park. Because our tūtū cowboy and tūtū lady were originally from Miloh'i and Honaunau, South Kona, and received their homestead land in Nānākuli in the 1930, we would like to honor our kūpuna in the town where they were one of the first settlers and pioneers. We are gathering information by way of their seven children: 1. Josephine (m: Charles Kopa II); 2. Kananilehua (m: Frank Kalih); 3. Maria Rose (m: Henry Young); 4. Elizabeth (m: Walter Andrade Sr.); 5. Agnes (m: Whham Kaae); 6. George (m: Minnie Nah); 7. Joseph (m: Sarah Akau). Although this reunion will focus on uniting the Waialae grandchildren and their famhies, we would also like to invite the sibhng fanhlies of George (Keohoonani, Kalua, Maiia, Cecilia, Ui, Laie and Keomo Waialae) and Julia (Thomas, Kaua, Ehzabeth, Moses, John, Ella, Sabina, Juhano, Annie and Victor Mokulehua). For information, contact Kimo Kelh at 2253356 (kimokelh@aol.com); Roberta Searle, 696-8861; or Puanani Kehi, 696-0321. Wagner/Kahaulelio — The descendants of Charles Frederick Wagner (from Germany) and Marion Manamana Kahaulelio (Lahaina) are planning a fanhly reunion on July 16, 2005 at Forax Beach Park in Nānākuli, formerly known as Zablan Park. The children of Charles and Maiion were Charles F. Wagner, Martha Inez Wagner Gray, Maria Wagner Mizumoto , J ohn Wagner, Fred Wagner, Whhe Wagner, Henii Wagner and a half-brother, Gerald Woods. The following were siblings of Maiion Manamana Kahaulelio Wagner: Juha Manamana Naki, Amy Manamana Nahooikaika, George Kahauleho Manamana, Bertie (Albert) Manamana, Gerald Manamana, Myra Manamana Neumann, and Rose Manamana Neumann. Monthly meetings are being held to update the fanhly genealogy and implement our hrst fanhly reunion. For information, contact Betty Lou Cullen at 6688244; Marion Joy, 488-7711; Keala Kainhmoku, 848-0445; Sandy Kupahu, 292-2060; or Doris Naumu, 455-2142. Alapa — We whl be having a fanhly reunion for the descendants of Oliwa Alapa Sr. (born circa 1853, Kekaha, Kaua'i) and his wife, Enhly Pahuaniani Makakao (born circa 1854, Kaupō, Maui), and their children: Harvey Oliwa (8/2/1872), Moses (circal874), Alapa (circal876), George (circa 1879), Kaawa (circal881), Nahiniu (circal883), Ana (1/22/1886), Oliwa Jr. (circal888), George Oliwa (1/15/1890) and Wahahulu (circal892). Our reunion will be held on Kaua'i at Camp Naue in Hā'ena, July 21-25, 2005. Please bring fanhly photos, musical instruments and lost of sun screen. For information, contact Nell Ava (emah: nava@hawaii.rr.com or eall 293-5778 , evenings on O'ahu) or Neūie Alapa Hunter (email: alapa58@aol.com). Swift/Hapakuka — The descendants of John Pakanaka Hapakuka and his two wives, Lahela Pih and Kah Kuhaulua; Joe Swift and his three wives, Hiona Makia, Naimu, Kaumualh, have already planned a reunion for July 22-24, 2005 to be held on Maui. The famhies of Fredrick Ned Swift are also invited reunion. We especially want updates on your genealogy as another book is in the making. All fanhly members are asked to subnht their updates to Kathy Shimada. For more information, contact Kathy Shimada at 8770839 or email at shimadah002@hawah.rr.com; Leinaala Hapakuka Moore at 760-2227 on Maui and O'ahu; and Barbara Swift at 3954185 or email at bswift@hawaii.rr.com
Kea/Makahi — The descendants of John K. Kea, also known as John K. Makahi, and Nancy P. Cullen are holding their seventh fanhly reunion at Nānākuh Beach Park on July 23, 2005. There whl also be a planning meeting on June 4, 2005 at 5 p.m. at Aunty Kakie's home at 89-345 Lepeka Avenue in Nānākuli. Dad and Mom had 11 sons and two daughters. The sons are John Jr., Jerry (Sam), Luke, Walter, Alex, Logan, Charles, Charles K., Harry, Leslie, and Raymond. Daughters are Enhly Pall and Katherine Kea. For information, eall Leilani at 294-2707 or write to Lehani Makahi at 89-1025 Haleakala Ave., Waianae, HI 96792. Nihipali — We are in the planning stages for the Nihipah fanhly reunion, scheduled for July 23, 2005 at Hau'ula Beach Park, 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. For information, eall Emhy at 293-1587; Aunty Pea, 293-5016; or Adeline , 232-2089. Please update your genealogy as soon as possible: we are in the process of making a new book. Coito/Freitas/Nobrega — First cousins reunion whl be held on Aug. 6 at Zablan Beach Park, Nānākuh from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Look for banner. Contact Jeanne Kahanaoi at 696-5002 for more information. Ka'ū High Sehool — Ka'ū High School's class of 1973 will be holding a reunion Aug. 6-7, 2005 in Ka'ū. For more information, contact Darlyne (Beck) Vierra at home (929-7391) or work (9288335); or Piieilla (Lays) Deperalta at 961-3273. Owali-Kukona — The Owah-Kukona fanhly reunion is for the fanhlies of Kala, Kaaihue, Kaaea, Kalawaiapi and Paoa. The reunion whl be held on Aug. 10-12, 2005 on Maui. We are also asldng anyone who has information regarding Leonard Kahunanui, his wife Annie Honolulu Maihui, son Duke or (Leonard Jr.) Kahunanui and any Paoa famhy members. The fanhly originated from Kaupo, Maui. For information, eall Mary Kaui Kala-Brook at 801-356-0606 or email at marykb28@comcast.net. If you're on Maui please eall Betty Lou Kala at 808-871-1050; Yolanda Diego at 808-248-8281; and Diana Wallaee at 808-244-9101. If on O'ahu, eall Ui Cullen at 808-696-7937, and if in Las Vegas, eall Ipo Naihe at 702-259-6814 or emah at iponaihe@hotmail.com. Kalawai'a — A reunion is planned for the 'ohana of Kalawai'a of Mahko, Maui (a.k.a. Simeon Sr, born January 1851) and wife, Nakiaha Nauuoe (a.k.a. Teresa, born Oct. 1860 in Kaupo, mar.<1878 in Kula, Maui). This gathering is planned for Aug. 12-14, 2005 at Hale Nanea, Maui. We are hoping to meet and gather with descendants of their children: Kalawai'a; Puana (b. <1881, mar. Hanah Kahaleapu); Kahuela (b. 1883); Puhau (b. <1884); Kelekia (b,1889); Teresa (b. 1890); Thomas (b. <1892), Kalawaialhlh (b,1894); Simeon Jr. (b. 1895); Ellen Pokini Kalawaia (b. 1896); Pekelo (b. 1897); and Joe Kalawaia (b. 1899). Updates are requested for the 'ohana of Lona 'Zakaha' Kalawaia (b. 1886); Sam Kalawaia Sr. (b. 1 895 ) and Annie Nakieha Kalawaia Solomon (b. 1888). This is the first attempt to meet with 'ohana of all 15 chhdren listed. For information, contact Francis Maddela, (808) 870-8236 e-mail: lmaddela@msn.com or John Kainoa, (808) 276-2646; or Mel Kalawaia, (808) 877-5388 Keaukalawaia@aol.com; or on Oahu, Pauline Kalawaia, (808) 2625757 (email: kalawaiask@aol.com). Akua — The fanhhes of Ah Chong Goo, Alex Akau, Oscar Kelelekai Solomon Kuahine, Edmond Kalahiki, Mark Kalahiki, Whittney Iseke and Akimseu are having a reunion on August 19-21 , 2005 at Bellows Air Field. The next meeting will be held on August 13th, 2005 at 167 Hoomalu St.; Pearl city, Hawaii 96782. The phone is 455-8102 or 382-9525. For more information on the reunion, you ean contact: Solomon Kuahine at 455-8102 or 382-9525; or Arthur Machado, 239-9003. Koholua/ Kaholua — The Jerenhah fanhly reunion will be held at Hau'ula Beach on August 27, 2005. For more information, contact Mae Jerenhah-Wong (daughter of Howard "Bubu" Jerenhah) at 3584466 or 585-8101. Naki — Descendants of James Hikiona and Juha Kanui Kahaulio Naki are weleome to attend the Naki 'ohana reunion, to be held on Sept. 1-4, 2005, Labor Day weekend. The loeahon of the event whl be One Ali'i Park, east of Kaunakakai, Moloka'i. For information, contact Moana Naki Keohuloa 808-567-6220 or Walter Naki 808-
558-8184 on Moloka'i. On O'ahu, Jesse Galas 808-423-9519; Thomas Naki 808-487-2898. Please eall after 6 p.m. Registration form for reunion will be sent upon request. Bush — 2005 reunion is being planned for the famhy of Albert Maunahina Bush, Samuel Keli'inohopona Bush, Ehzabeth Kapeka Bush, Roseline Bush, Lily Bush, Juha Bush, Maiia Bush and Daniel Bush Jr. Scheduled for Labor Day weekend, Sept. 2-4, 2005. Hosting island will be O'ahu. For information, email Beverly Martinez at bmartinez@boh.com or eall 681-6637; Misty Bush Whliam at mwhl23714@aol.com or write to Randy Bush Vincent at 615 Na'ale St. Honolulu, Hi 96813. Kaahanui/Nakoa/Kalawaianui — A fanhly reunion for the descendants of Kaahanui, Nakoa and Kalawaianui is being planned for Labor Day weekend, Sept. 2-5, 2005, at Camp Maluhia, (Boys Scout eamp) Maui. It's time to connect our kūpuna and 'ōpio as we strengthen our fanhly history and genealogy. Our Maui host has organized an exciting event with a rodeo, activities, genealogy workshops, food and great music. You won't want to nhss any of it. Cabins with bunk beds are available on a first-come, first-served basis, and a camping area will be available. Make your reservations . For information, contact Kalani Kaahanui at 619-271-9726; Vernon Kaahanui, 808-239-4047; Ui Colon, 808-567-6394; Phylhs Colon, 808-385-2189; Lloyd and Minh Oilliom, 808-244-8060; Donna Curimao, 808-669-6084; Wendy Lindo, 808-249-9729; or Aunty Winnie Cockett, 808-244-0873. Panaewa — The Panaewa 'ohana reunion whl be held in August 2006. We invite the famhies and descendents of George Kahoiwai Panaewa, Solomon Kahaluakea Panaewa and Richard Keliinui Panaewa to participate. For information, contact Alohalani Pang on O'ahu at 696-8139 or Kahhi Kawainui Noiman at 808-885-6792 on Hawai'i Island. Aweau — We are planning a gathering to organize a reunion on O'ahu. We need kōkua to update our genealogy and form an 'ohana eomnhūee. Contact Kolomona at 683-1146. Aweau descendants are Ioane: David, Liha, Kahopuwaiki: Nalaieluaakamanu, John Keahiapele, James Hoolulu, Joseph Kahopuwaiki, Kauhaanu, Nakuhauhulu: Haaonui, Pohue, Wahinine, Mary Irene Ahimukala, Kaui, William, Mahoe; Kalaupaina, Hinaikamalamalama: Hihikaina, Akamakiu, Margaret Kamaha Aweau Padeken: John, Rose, Frederick, Charles, Annie. These descendants trace back to about 1850 -1870. Genealogy research was done by Henry Nalaielua and Larry Aweau. For more information, visit www.Aweaufanhly.com. Kumahakaua (Kilauano) — We are gathering information to organize a reunion on Kaua'i. We need kōkua to update our genealogy and to form a 'ohana eomnhūee. We are looking for the descendants of Kumahakaua (Kilauano)/Baba(Papa) and Kainoapuka/Kaoao. The Kumahakaua 'ohana consisted of six children, who were all originally from Hamakua, Hawai'i Island and later relocated to Kaua'i. The children were: Louis, Kamaile, Kilauano Lhhi, Kamala, Alika and Kamaluhia. The Kainoapuka 'ohana, originally from Kalalau and Mana, consisted of five children. They were: Kalaulahaole, Kawahinenohopah, Kahiau, Pakana and Kawehiwa. These descendants trace back to the 1700s-1800s. Genealogy research was done by Carolyn Kilauano. For information, contact Kunane Aipoalani at 337-1219, Rhoda Khauano Golden at 337-1104 or emah at Grhoda@aol.com with any information you may have, or if interested in helping with organizing the reunion. Kahanamokufamily search — Kimo (James) Kianoha Kahanamoku (Cook) was bom between 1902 and 1905, and died in 1932. His wife was Annis Eloise Cook. She is my great-grandmother and is still alive. James was bom in Honolulu and died in Eugene, Ore., of tuberculosis. His mother's name on his death certificate is Ehzabeth and his father's is Manuel. My great-grandma said they worked in the Royal Hawahan Hotel in Waikīkī. Kimo left Honolulu on a ship and eame to the Port of Seattle and worked his way down the coast to the Coos Bay area where he met my great-grandma. He must have eome over in the early 1920s from the Honolulu. Kimo had hve children before he died: Betty Lou Cook (died shortly after birth), James Lloyd Cook (died in 2004), Helen Delores Cook (my grandmother), Harold Joseph Cook and Manuel Kianoha Cook. If you have any information, contact Mikayle by phone at 541-344-4377 or 541-912-1021, or by mail at 2230 Tyler Street, Eugene, OR 97405-2159.