Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 7, 1 July 2005 — 'Serenity Prayer' offers guidance in facing today's challenges [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
'Serenity Prayer' offers guidance in facing today's challenges
In response to a number of inquiries by Ka Wai Ola o OHA readers regarding why I don't write a monthly eolumn, I have decided that a short note of explanation was due this month. Although very few in number, I have submitted my thoughts in a eolumn when I felt what I had to say would be of interest to our readers. Inasmuch as "issues of the day" are adequately covered by my fellow trustees and our excellent staff as well as some of our beneficiaries, I often prefer to quietly support and encourage them. If at any time I disagree, I choose not to air those differences in public.
We eaeh have been given the blessing of life and the opportunity to be a part of a world that has mueh to offer and mueh to learn. Everyday, we have the opportunity to interact with others and to make a difference in our portion of the world. We have been given the ability to show love and compassion to our fellow man and to touch others in positive or negative ways. I choose to do all I ean to help others and to live my life so that at the end of my road I ean look back on all that I have said and done and move forward in a positive light. Today, I feel compelled to share with
all of you the 'Serenity Prayer' that has gotten me through many rough moments and has become a daily reminder on how I deal with everyday life and how I encourage my children to live their lives. Treating others with kindness always helps me to remember who I am and reminds me of the love and kindness of my Heavenly Father. Serenity Prayer Na ke Akua e hā'awi mai i ka maluhia e 'ae mai i nā mea i hiki 'ole ai ia'u ke ho'ololi,
ka ikaika e ho'ololi i nā mea e hiki ai, a me ka na'auao e maopopo i ka 'oko'a. God grant me the serenitv to accept things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I ean, and the wisdom to know the difference. May this prayer touch you and help you in your time of need when you face today's challenges.
Oz Stender Trustee, At-large