Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 7, 1 July 2005 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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1 A fgMī inm [ i D ) | ^ n J .li ellponmh £mpLmY F e d e r a I R- u f e ^ n of fnvesUgati&n •e Male and Femate speoal agenls Baūhetor'5 or graduate a)Hege degree ffcm an accredited inslitu1kKi + hationwdG «nptoymGnt Computer Sci&f)ce.jnfūrmalion Technūlogy, Engineerin9, Sc»nces (Architecture. Bto-cbemistiy1 Biology, Chemislry, Fūren&tcs. Malhenatics. Nurs<ng, Physcs, medical specialbes|. Law. Lang<uages. AūC0ut11irig/Fiiiance. I'ilelliqence, Fcreign Cuunterirr.elliqenct; Counter1errortSJn 2-3 years strong professionalijnvestigatrve,,rTanageri3l work eKpenenee desired + 23-36 years of age Drug policy/drug tesling nvardatory Euiry-level saiacy (GS- 1 is $46. 1 36 Academy I ran ung $57 .646 - $62,671 ufX5ū gn:Juah:)n, indudmg lūcalilyi'availabilily pay