Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 7, 1 July 2005 — Language of the Lanel [ARTICLE]
Language of the Lanel
From Aug. 2-6, the Pacific Writers' Connection will be holding Language of the Land, a writing conference featuring authors from
Hawai'i, the Pacific and the U.S. continent. The annual conference focuses on writing that embraces the environment and culture. The theme of this year's conference is "Water, Land and Values: Ka Wai, Ka 'Āina a me Nā Loina." Guest writers include Ku'ualoha Ho'omanawanui, editor of the Native Hawaiian journal 'Ōiwi: Australian aboriginal Larissa Behrendt; Native American Debra Magpie Earling; and nature writers Mark Tredinnick and Kim Stafford. The conference includes a reception, public readings and conversation breakouts with writers. Conference events will be held at various loeations on O'ahu. Registration is $25. For more information, eall Pacific Writers' Connection at 781-6147, or visit their website at pacificwriters.org.