Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2005 — Call for artists [ARTICLE]
Call for artists
The Bishop Museum is inviting artists who are interested in creating pieces for its new vestibule gallery exhibit to attend a dinner to share ideas on July 9. The new exhibit, whieh opens on Oct. 28, will feature artwork that expresses the idea of transformation as told in the following traditional prophecy: E iho ana 'o luna E pi'i ana 'o lalo E hui ana nā moku E kū ana ka paia That whieh is above shall eome down That whieh is helow shall rise up The islands shall be united The walls shall be made firm Artists will also be asked to participate in a weeklong retreat in August. The July 9 dinner will start at 6 p.m. For more information, contact Meleanna Meyer at aloha.meleanna@verizon.net or Noelle Kahanu at 848-4190, or noelle.kahanu @ bishopmuseum.org .