Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 7, 1 July 2005 — Literacy program [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Literacy program
A Native Hawaiian literacy program is asking for $20 donations to purchase discounted school supplies for 76 fifth graders at Ka'ala Elementary School who are making the transition to Wahiawā Middle School. There are special concerns about the transition, partly because Wahiawā Middle is one of the 24 state public schools designated for restructuring as a result of their failure to meet the standards set by the federal No Child Left Behind Act. The literacy program is a partnership between Ka'ala Elementary, Alu Like, Native Hawaiian Library Literacy Services and Ho'owaiwai Nā Kamali'i. Eaeh $20 donation will allow participants to "adopt" a fifth grader and enable the program to purchase discounted supplies for the student from the Office Depot in 'Aiea. For more information, contact Keikilani Meyer of Alu Like at 5351357.
Nū Hou