Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2005 — Too late for OHA/KS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Too late for OHA/KS

For the record, Hawai'i's Asian Americans posing as a made-up category termed capital "N" Native Hawaiians, meaning those with a descendant living in the kingdom of Hawai'i in the year 1893, will lose nothing when they finally face reality. Federal assistance and revenue from section 5f of the state's Admissions Act was never legally theirs to lose. They wrongly diverted federal assistance meant by Congress for the native Hawaiian of the blood to state of Hawai'i pork barrel programs and got found out by the U.S. Supreme Court. How ean a thief "lose" something that wasn't theirs in the first plaee? The OHA/Kamehameha Schools side has never reached out to the Hou Band of Native Hawaiians of the Blood of Hawai'i. Nevertheless, I did extend aloha to the other side to try to accommodate them so they would not be crushed. Last year I met with members of OHA staff and Winona Rubin, who was representing Chair Haunani Apoliona. Their attitude was: "We are using politieal power to get our way" and, "No negotiations, no compromise." Last year I met with Nāhoa Lucas and through him the lawyers and trustees of KS, including Colleen Wong. Their attitude was: "There is nothing to discuss. We have the wealth and political power to create an ethnic Hawaiian nation and wipe out native Hawaiian of blood laws of 1921 and 1959 because they get in our way."

I offered to meet with Gov. Linda Lingle before the election to brief her. Lingle didn't want to hear anything that would keep her from denying the truth when the time comes. She made a foolish political promise that is impossible to keep. I offered to meet with state Attorney General Mark Bennett; he refused. Noe Kalipi, Sen. Daniel Akaka's lawyer, told me "we will outvote you." Just so everyone understands: it is too late to save the state/OHA/KS side now insofar as federal assistance is involved. And, there is no such thing as unity. "Unity" is only part of their lies and more lies. Chief Maui Loa Haie'iwa, O'ahu