Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 6, 1 June 2005 — Symposium worthwhile [ARTICLE]

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Symposium worthwhile

At the First Annual Symposium of the Hawaiian Society of Law and Politics held April 16 at U.H. Mānoa's Imin International Conference Center, I felt the mutual respect that emanated between those on stage and the 300 people seated in the audience. It was abundantly worth my trip from Kaua'i to be there. The formality of the occasion, in whieh topics such as the continuity of the Hawaiian kingdom were presented by professionals in the fields of law, history and political science, did not detract from the human warmth that also enlivened the sessions. Questions from the panelists as well as the presentations themselves helped me to make the distinctions in my mind that I wanted to make, so as to be better able to interpret Hawai'i's legal and historical footing of the past to the present. Information concerning the symposium and other features describing the work of the Hawaiian Society of Law and Politics is posted on the web. The website is www2.hawaii. edu/~help. Keahi Felix Waimea, Kaua'i