Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 6, 1 June 2005 — Kingdom alive [ARTICLE]
Kingdom alive
Considering that Hawai'i illegally eame to be a state through acts of war, treason, various crimes and illegal procedures in Congress, I sometimes wonder if all of the people that support justice for the past were to always refer, in speech and writings, to this plaee as the "Kingdom of Hawai'i" instead of just "Hawai'i." Maybe it would help all of us to remember the past and where we really are. I am afraid for the future when I see so many being forced out of the kingdom because of eeonomie and housing situations. Fewer Hawaiians here means fewer to defend the rights and join in the quest for justice. As I follow the letters to the editors in the papers, it appears that more and more haoles oppose any justice. Their statements that the attempts for justice are just a plea for a "handout" or a "free luneh" must be a horrible slap in the face to the people of the kingdom. Gordon Banner Kalihi , O'ahu