Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 6, 1 June 2005 — ʻŌiwi a native hawaiian journal [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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ʻŌiwi a native hawaiian journal


You know wen sometin on yo mind, an you no ean shake um, yo whole day kine-a bummed, yeah? Well, one time I was driving up da road, an da eah in fronna me wen stop at da red light. On top da cah's bumpa had one old sticka wit da words EDDIE WOULD GO. Ho, I wen trip out! Neva make sense. I wen tink, so wat? Wazzat about? Dey eome out wit dum kine stickas nowdays. I no geddum!

Afta dat, ereytime I wen see dat kine bumpa sticka on one eah, I look at who stay drivin fo see wat kine guy goin put one sticka laddat on his eah. Ho, was anykine guys! Ole kine. Young keeds. Mosely loeal guys but. Dis bumpa sticka wen really bodda me. I no was mad laddat, but da words jus wen stuck in my mind all da time. So fo litto while I wen read ereybody's bumpa sticka, cuz maybe get mo stuffs I suppose to know. I figga bumpa stickas, dey jus like newspaypaz. I no buy da paypa steady, kay, cuz waee money. Get too mueh crap goin on in da world today. Who like pay good money fo read crap? Not me, man. But da odda day, I wen piek up somebody else's newspaypa, an I wen read by da sports page about deese eanoe guys. Ho, my eyes wen almose pop out wen I read about dis guy Eddie. He was one good swimma an one

good surfa. He wen really know da oeean laddat. Eddie no sked da wadda. I wen tink, eh, dis da same Eddie on da bumpa sticka or wat? Ho, long time I wen geeve up readin bumpa stickas arready. One time I almose rap da guy in fronna me. I wen eome too close so dat I could read dem stickas. Too many chances I wen take. Nowdays get planny sue jobs, you know. Den one time wen I stay drivin work, I hea da raedjo disc jockeys on da Hawaiian station talkin story about wat wen happen ousside da sea. I neva hea ereytin dat dey was talkin about, but I did hea da part about how deese guys wen get stranded on one eanoe an how dey wen need help. So one guy on da eanoe, dat guy Eddie, ho, he was so sharp man. He wen tell dem guys on da eanoe fo no worry. He geddum. Eddie wen dive insai da wadda an, poom, he wen swim out! He gutsy, yeah? But da disc jockey guys, dey wen say dat all da eanoe guys wen get saved, but not Eddie. He neva even reach da shore. Had one big search fo him, but dey neva wen find him. He wen love da sea so mueh, da sea wen take him. Jus laddat! Eveybody tink dat maybe now he stay wit his surfboard buddies in da sky. Ho, wat wen stuck in my mind was da guy who wen eall in fo talk on da raedjo. He wen say dat out of all da guys on da eanoe, Eddie was da one who would jump out of da eanoe jus fo chrai save his friends. "Eddie would go!" Ho, I stay cryin now jus tinkin about wat da guy on da raedjo wen say about Eddie. An you know dat sticka I wen see long time before? Now I geddum. U

'Oiwi • Anthony Kekona

I Geddum ►► D. Ululani Uehima

Untitled • April Drexel ▼