Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 6, 1 Iune 2005 — Waiʻanae mele [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Waiʻanae mele

Mele composers have until July 1 to submit entries for the Wai'anae Song Composition Contest, designed to encourage the creation of new Hawaiian language songs. Eligible compositions will be performed live at the Mākaha Resort on Aug. 20 at 4 p.m. The contest is part of Hō'ike'ike o Wai'anae, a weeklong celebration of Hawaiian culture at the resort. Entries must be written entirely in Hawaiian with the exception of a few non-Hawaiian words, and must honor places, events or personages of Wai'anae. Songs must be original compositions that have not been formally recorded or won in any other contest. Submissions must contain written Hawaiian lyrics with English translations and be accompanied by a recording of the song either on cassette tape or CD. Entries will not be See BRIEFS on page 19

BRIEFS from page 4 returned; the composer is responsible for obtaining copyrights for their mele. For entry forms and contest rules, eall contest organizer Kimo Alama Keaulana at 664-2101.