Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 5, 1 Mei 2005 — Mauna Roy [ARTICLE]
Mauna Roy
I am writing this as a tribute to David "Mauna" Kahelemauna Roy, a highly honored kupuna of Keauhou, who has recently passed on. His stewardship of many of our sacred temples is an example of his perseverance. While he was an accomplished man in many fields of study, his love was sharing the history of Hawai'i. He served our country in war and served Hawai'i island as a solid pōhaku and leader in his own right. One of his missions was to preserve our sacred lands and their ancient rites. Through his relentless efforts he held back greedy developers. 'Onipa'a. His diligence, hard work and mostly his aloha for Hawai'i and her people will be deeply missed. But we must keep the torch burning. Mahalo to his gracious wife, daughters, grand-and great-grandchildren. His legacy and vision will live through you and others that had the privilege to learn from this great man. Puna Kihoi Via the lnternet OHA reserves the right to ed.it eill letters for length, defamcitory anel libelous material, einel other objectionable content, anel reserves the right not to printany submission. AU letters must be typed, signed anel not exceed 200 words. Letters cannot be published unless they include a telephone contact for verification. Send letters to Ka Wai Ola o OHA, 711 KeipPolani BlvcL, Ste. 500, Honolulu, HI 96813, or email kwo@oha.org.