Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 5, 1 May 2005 — Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I ■ L . ■ Today, the establishment of a new Native I , 'I I \ / \ Hawaiian government on the and ean be achieved with the will and support of i ^ Aai the Hawaiian people. The process is open to all indigenous Hawaiians, no matter I All you need to register is verification of your Hawaiian ancestry through documents such as a photocopy of a certified birth certificate showing Hawaiian parentage, or by prior verification through programs such as the t /^V f\ Department ofHawaiian Home Lands, Kamehameha Schools or the Office I/ I // M of Hawaiian Affairs' Operation 'Ohana and Hawaiian Registry. Ē f W Ē JĒ There is no blood-quantum minimum or age requirement. rlace / / Ē Ē / Ē f \ Ē Ē ĒA The Kau Inoa Registration team will visit the following neighborhoods with Ē / Ē ĒĒ Ē/Ēy W free T-shirts for every completed registration form: Ē Ē / I Kapolei: May 7, at Kapolei Community Park Ē Ē / / 9 a.m.-2 p.m. name May 19, at Kapolei High School (teacher's lounge) I ^ 'Ewa Beach: May 14, at GeigerPark (behind Foodland) 9 a.m.-2 p.m.. V Kane'ohe: May 21, at Windward Community College sponsored by Ke Keiki 'O Ka Aina. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Moloka'i: May 21, at the Ka Hula Piko Ho'olaule'a at Pāpōhaku Beach Park Kaluako'i, Moloka'i, from 9 a.m-4p.m. For information eall 808.394.0050, or online at www.hawaiimaoli.org. N\ m