Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 5, 1 May 2005 — Support from Native American law students [ARTICLE]

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Support from Native American law students

Iam a law student at the University of Oklahoma, and I recently attended a presentation on federal recognition for Hawaiians at the Federal Bar Association Indian Law Conference in New Mexico. OHA Trustee Boyd Mossman and Jade Danner and Lisa Oshiro from the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement did an excellent job of presenting the issues facing the Hawaiian people as they deal with federal recognition. I attended the presentation with two other members of our Native American Law Student Association chapter, and we were extremely moved by the messages sent out by these speakers and other Native Hawaiians in attendance. I am writing to support your cause, and to say that we have initiated a letter campaign on the issue to our state's members of Congress. This process is exciting for us to witness, and hopefully we ean be a part of helping your people gain the federal recognition they deserve. As Native Americans, we understand and support you in this process. Melissa Hilburn Norman, Oklahoma


Do you have thoughts you'd like to express regarding the Hawaiian recognition bill currently before Congress? Whether you're for or against the write in and share your reasons why. E-mail us at kwo@oha.org, send letters to Ka Wai Ola o OHA, 77 7 Kapi'olani Blvd., Ste. 500, Honolulu, Hl 96813, or fax us at (808) 594-1865.