Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 5, 1 Mei 2005 — Ocean concert [ARTICLE]
Ocean concert
A free ocean-awareness concert and festival will be held at Kapi'olani Park on May 7 to benefit Pūnana Leo Kawaiaha'o Hawaiian-immersion preschool. The 7th annual E Mālama i ke Kai (care for the oeean) festival will promote puhlie awareness about protection of the oeean environment, as well as the perpetuation of Hawaiian language and culture. Pūnana Leo Kawaiaha'o is a nonprofit immersion preschool located in downtown Honolulu. The event's concert will feature some of the top performers in Hawaiian music, including 'Ale'a, Ho'okena, Kaumakaiwa Kanaka'ole, Kupa'āina, Sudden Rush, Sean Na'auao and more. The festival will also include oeean exhibits and activities provided by nationally acclaimed oeeanconservation organizations as well as loeal experts and institutions. There will also be keiki rides and games. Event supporters include Chevron Hawai'i, Kamehameha Schools, Hawaiian Airlines, HMSA, Island Insurance Foundation, Oeeanie Time Warner Cable, Cox Radio, the Honolulu Star-Bulletin and MidWeek.