Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 5, 1 May 2005 — Kahahawai murder [ARTICLE]

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Kahahawai murder

Unfortunately, the 1931 Massie affair has been resurrected with wide coverage in the press. At the time, I worked for the St. Louis alumni senior league football team, taking care of the locker room and assisting the team. One of our most valued linemen was Joe Kahahawai, a full-blooded Hawaiian. He was liked by everyone:

he was mellow, law abiding and never had a bad word for anyone. In my candid opinion, it would have been highly improbable for him to commit such a crime. This was a case of an innocent Hawaiian put to death by murder needlessly. Support for one of our brothers is long overdue. Mahalo for your kōkua. Leon Thevenin Kamuela, Hawai'i

Leka Kalele