Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 4, 1 April 2005 — King Day comments [ARTICLE]

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King Day comments

I read David Shapiro's article in the March KWO. I was amazed how petty, naīve and ignorant individuals like David Rosen and Thurston TwiggSmith are. The NAACP and Jewish Anti-Defamation League would have branded such statements and behavior on the U.S. mainland as white supremacist, racist and genocidal in a heartbeat. But apparently in Hawai'i, ignorance or cowardice prevail in the court of puhlie opinion. Dr. Martin Luther King, Queen Lili'uokalani and Mahatma Gandhi were great worldclass leaders, and when under attack by established or rouge govemment power, they utilized the strategy of peaceful, passive resistance, instead of armed military conflict and bloodshed. So all three world-class leaders deserved to be honored on Dr. Martin Luther King Day, eaeh being a giant in his or her time; contrary to the converse opinions of a vocal minority of mental midgets apparently critical of the good all three stood for: righteousness, justice, liberty and freedom.

Additionally, Native Hawaiians should use another tactic devised by Dr. Martin Luther King against the Twigg-Smiths, Burgesses and Rices: boycott their goods, services, products and investments. William Afong Kaipo Kuamo'o Scottsdale , Arizona