Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 4, 1 April 2005 — Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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#The Councilfor Native Hawaiian Advancement presents The Akaka Bill and Current Lawsuits: National Policies for Native Needs

The Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement operates a year-round Public Policy Education Program on National Policies for Native Needs. Informational sessions on the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2005, also known as the Akaka Bill and litigation threatening Hawaiian institutions and programs will be held statewide. Sessions on this topic and other legislative issues are part of CNHA's Public Policy Program to provide public policy education and enhanee the ability of the Native Hawaiian community to participate in federal legislative initiatives and other public policies that affect them. Become Informed. Get Involved. Decide for Yourself. Attend a workshop session and receive relevant information to make your own decision about an important pieee of federal legislation affecting Native Hawaiians and the State of Hawaii.

Sessions are Free of Charge Eaeh presentation runs from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Dates & Locations Lanai - April 7, 2005 Lanai High Cafeteria Oahu - April 12, 2005 Washington Intermediate Cafeteria Oahu - April 21, 2005 Kapolei High Cafeteria Oahu - May 3, 2005 Blanche Pope Elementary Cafeteria Hawaii - April 27, 2005 Kealakehe Elementary Cafeteria Hawaii - April 28, 2005 Keaukaha Elementary Cafeteria Molokai - May 10, 2005 Mitchell Pauole Community Center Register online at www.hawaiiancouncil.org or eall the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement From Oahu: 521.5011 From the neighbor islands: 800.709.2642 Provided with supportfrom DEPARTMENT OF HAWAIIAN HOME LANDS