Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 4, 1 April 2005 — OHA board approves additional community grants [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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OHA board approves additional community grants

Recipients include social service a^eneie^, cultural preservation e^ihiU, youth education programs and more By Manu Boyd At two separate meetings in late February and mid-March, OHA' s Board of Trustees approved 19 more community grants, totaling more than $1.2 million. Added to a previous round of grant approvals, this means that the board has approved a total of more than $2.4 million in grants this year. Recipients of the grants included organizations serving homeless and at-risk families, cultural preservation projects, educational and health initiatives, environmental protection projects and more. Prior to approval, the grant applications were reviewed by OHA grants staff and other personnel in the appropriate program areas, then recommended to the board's Asset and Resource Management and Beneficiary Advocacy committees. The grant awards were then approved by the full board. OHA accepts grant proposals twice

eaeh year. Proposals must support goals and objectives of OHA's Strategic Plan, and should be submitted by nonprofit organizations. Grant applications and information are available online at www. oha.org. The next deadline for grant proposals is Fri., April 29, 2005. For more information on OHA's grants program, eall 594-1762. In the last edition of Ka Wai Ola, we published a list of the organizations that were awarded grants on Feb. 3. What follows is a list of the 19 organizations that were awarded grants on Feb. 24 and March 17. For a list of all grant recipients, please visit www.oha.org: Aloha House: $42,102, to provide substance abuse services on Maui, incorporating the use of cultural practices. Alu Like īne.: $49,850, to support the expansion of the Ulukau Hawaiian Electronic Library project by adding a genealogical sub-library. Alu Like ine.: $90,000, to support the Hui Nā 'Ōpio o Nā Ko'olau program's work with the Hawai'i Youth Correctional Facility. American Lung Association: $50,000, to support the Open Airways for Schools program providing early

childhood asthma education. Anahola Ancient Culture Exchange: $41,238, to support the Ho'okahua Project to build and maintain a traditional agricultural site in Anahola, Kaua'i. Community Development Pacific: $109,464, to support the Mo'omomi Ahupua'a Management project on Moloka'i. Habitat for Humanity-Moloka'i: $50,000, to support the construction of two self-help homes on the island of Moloka'i. Hawai'i Community Television: $47, 896, to support the video documentary Heart Strings - The Story ofthe Kamaka 'Ukuieie. Hawai'i Maoli: $46,250, to support the Ke Alaula o k a Huliau Project to video and document oral history interviews with kūpuna. Hawaiian Legacy Foundation: $100,000, to support the Lahaina film documentary and the archival preservation of previous source material. 'Ike 'Āina: $36,400, to support the establishment of a cultural leaming center in Hālawa Valley, O'ahu. Institute for Criminal Rehabilitation: $46,875, to support the Nurturing Fathers Program of Hawai'i whieh assists fathers in establishing

relationships with their families, īn partnership with The Institute for Family Enrichment. Kahuku Hospital: $36,126, to support the Hawai'i Covering Kids Kahuku Loeal Project to reduce the number of uninsured youth. Keaukaha Community Association: $50,000, to support the construction of a playground as part of the Kawananakoa Gym. Keola Laulima 'O Leikula: $44,000, to increase transportation services for the elderly, disabled, disadvantaged, and youth on Hawai'i island through the purchase of a van. Maui Tomorrow Foundation ine.: $48,300, to support Project Ka'eo, whieh will produce a comprehensive cultural report and preservation plan for the Ka'eo ahupua'a on Maui. PBS Hawai'i: $121,520, to support the research and development phase of an educational television documentary on Hawai'i's ali'i tmsts. Polynesian Voyaging Society: $140,000, to support preparations for Building Bridges, Hōkūle'a's voyage to Micronesia and Japan. Wai'anae Community Outreach: $100,000, to support the design and planning of the Wai'anae Homeless Transitional Residential Center. G

Nū Hou
