Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 4, 1 April 2005 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Olean Elections Are Pono Like elean water, the more polluted it gets, the more we suffer... How mueh longer do we wait for change? The time is NOW! "Pupukahi I Holomua: Unite to Move Forward!" Return the power of our vote, by joining us to support elean elections in Hawaii NOW...
Oswald Stender Shad Kane
^/ictoria Holt-Takamine 'r M Rod Ferreira
Fred Oaehola /! % *! I' j Adrian Kamali'i
• Keep the power of the vote in YOUR hands • Make our ISSUES important, not special interest MONEY • Keep our elected officials ACCESSIBLE to "WE the people" For More lnformation Contact: Clean Elections Hawaii www.cleanelectionshawaii.org